Chapter 3

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Bailey Mcglennon's P.O.V

Everything was going wrong today. First William pushes me into a mud puddle and then someone pushes me in the hall, causing me to get William all muddy.

I sigh and unlock my locker, hoping to find my gym clothes.

I dig through my backpack and come up empty handed.

I crouch down to check on the lower shelf. Nothing.

"Crap," I whisper under my breath.

"Bailey?" I stand up and come face to face with Jason.

I look down at my muddy appearance. Well this was embarrassing.

"Are you okay?" he asks.

"No I am not okay! I just got pushed in mud and tripped and I don't have any extra clothes! It's my birthday and I'm having the worst day possible!" I say on the verge of hysteria.

"Well I may have a shirt you can borrow, your pants didn't get much mud on them, so how about you go to the locker room and shower and I'll get my shirt," Jason says.

Me? Wearing one of Jason's shirts! I think I hit my head a little to hard.

"O-okay," I stutter.

I walk to the girls locker room ad turn on the water and peel out of my muddy clothes. When I'm done I shut the water off and put on the shirt and sweater Jason leant me, which are a thousand time bigger than me.

I walk out of the locker room and Jason is waiting for me, leaning against a wall.

"Thanks," I say shyly.

"No problem and happy birthday by the way," he says with a goofy grin.

"Thanks," I say again.

"Um also I was meaning to ask you if you'd like to go to dinner tonight..." He says.

I blink once, twice. I pinch myself. Nope, not dreaming. Jason just asked me out!

"Uh yeah, sounds good," I say, trying to keep my cool.

"Great, pick you up at eight," he smiles and walks off.

I open my locker and squeal into it, ignoring the stares of people walking by.

Deanna Slotegraaf's P.O.V

Best. Birthday. Ever! Although I'm not sure I can say the same for Bailey. I was having a helluva time messing with her.

Except I think she should thank me, I just landed her a date. I saw her talking with Jason and he leant her a shirt!

Maybe today might just be looking up for her. Ha not a chance.


I walk into my house after school, throwing my bag in the hallway entrance. I walk up to my room and shake off y disguise. I put on my usual outfit and go outside for a walk.

"Bailey! Bailey!" I turn and see a breathless William running toward me.

"Oh hey," I say, taking in his sweaty appearance.

"Boy you're a fast walker!" he says, "I've been chasing after you for like a block!"

"Oh I'm sorry, was there something you needed?" I asked trying to stay sweet like Bailey.

"Yeah, I was wondering if you wanted to go to dinner tonight?" He asks.

"Like a date?" I ask.

He nods.

I smile. "Sure," I say.

Two dates in the same night? Somebody's gonna get hurt.

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