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Tendou walked into his boss's office, he was summoned up from his last mission by Semi to take care of something else, though he was bummed out that he was pulled back from his assassination mission for this, the silver haired male walked in sitting in his seat with an angry sigh.

"Tendou, I need you to take care of a club owner for me."

"Kill him or actually take care of him Semi?" 

"Fucking kill him, he's pissing me off. But anyway. he owns Club Kalopsia, I'm sure you know it, I sent someone to kill him and they returned halfway to death because of his body guards. I need you to gain the man's trust and then kill him at the perfect moment okay? In order for you to prove that you have killed him I'll need the key and his ID to Club Kalopsia."

Tendou looked down at the olive haired male in the pictures Semi showed him, his eyes locking onto the neon light sign. "Got it, he'll be out of your hair soon."



Tendou looked at the application he grabbed from the bartender. "What the hell do you mean that there is only stripper and performer roles available?? Surely I could work with you not as, that." He motioned to the metal pole on the stage, the bartender rolling his eyes with a smile. "Yeah I'm sorry, but that's all we have left. Performer you don't have to strip unless you sign a waver saying you are okay with removing clothes or going out into the crowd,"

"I'll take it." The blue eyed bar tender lightly chuckled until he was cut off by loud screams, Tendou looked over his shoulder seeing a black and silver haired male wearing barely anything walk onto the stage towards the pole the crowd was mainly girls and a few boys, he looked back at the bartender seeing that his blue eyes were glued on the male in an amazed look.

"Who is that on the stage?"

"Hm? O-Oh um that Bokuto, he's one of the male strippers along with Sugawara who is also a performer and Goshiki."

Tendou made an 'oh' shape with his mouth before signing the application. "So could I interview for today? Or is the big boss man not here."

The male grabbed the application and rung a bell, a green haired boy walked in. "Yams take my spot for a minute I need to do an Interview." 

"Ah, yes Akaashi."

Tendou got off the stool following Akaashi to the back room, he walked past a large room with mirrors and costumes seeing a few people in there, Akaashi unlocked a door and let Tendou walk in before closing it behind him.

"Okay lets see, you chose performer. Question one: Are you currently in a sexual or nonsexual relationship with anyone?"

"No, I'm single."

"Question Two: Do you have any police records, birth certificates and ID's?"

"Yes, and I have a clean record, thanks for asking." Akaashi smirked as Tendou handed him the things he asked for. "Okay you weren't lying that's good. You can have these back." The red haired male tiredly grabbed the papers and cards from the bartender's hands.

"Any background with dance? Even with some you will still take lessons which are provided by Club Kalopsia."

"I did acrobats and gymnastics for a little bit."

"That's nice, last question. Why do you want this job, Tendou Satori?" His name sounded cold on Akaashi's lips.

"Easy, I got fired from my last job from yelling at a customer who was cussing me out and wanting to fight, so now I have no source of income."

"Hah- Uhm, yeah don't worry we won't fire you for that, our employees are taught self defense for a good reason. Okay, yeah if it was up to me you'd have work tomorrow at nine pm but that's up to Ushijima so you can go back there. Good luck."

Akaashi lightly pushed Tendou through a door. "Hey what do you mean good luck?!" The door closed and he didn't get an answer, the room he was in felt colder and smelt nice. Slowly turning around he met eyes with the olive haired man in the photo Semi provided him with.

"May I see your application?" His deep voice startled Tendou, walking over he put the application down on the desk sitting down as the man read it. "Alright, I need to check you don't work for Semi Eita, I know his members have an SE tattoo somewhere on their body."

"Who? I have no tattoo's so there's no reason to check."

Ushijima's face didn't change. "I was almost assassinated by one of his people, I am sorry but I need to ask you to remove your clothes, if not then you will not be allowed to work here."

'Shit!' Tendou remembered the makeup on his hip hoping that his jeans didn't rub it off, with a sigh he got up taking off his hoodie. He didn't really feel like putting on a shirt today and the cold air suddenly hitting his body make him shiver, he locked eyes with Ushijima once again before taking off his pants leaving him in just his boxers.

The olive haired male got up circling Tendou studying the red head, he hands suddenly touched Tendou's thigh. "Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing?" Ushijima moved the red heads boxers slightly up checking for a tattoo. "Sit back down please I need to check your inner thighs."

"If you just wanted to touch me you might as well of just told me to strip all the way." He looked away from Ushijima as the male looked at his inner thighs. "Okay none here, I need to check your tongue."

"Who the fuck would put a tattoo on their tongue?"
"The last person here had one, it's just a precaution."

Tendou rolled his eyes opening his mouth and sticking out his tongue, Ushijima got closer to the red head's face slightly startling him as the male grabbed his tongue. "Okay you're clear, put your clothes back on."

"Geeze I'm surprised you didn't ask to see my dick as a just in case." The olive haired male raised an eyebrow. "I don't know, maybe I should, you're hostile."

"No, it was a joke."

"Yeah, okay, you have the job you start tomorrow just show up when you can."

Tendou watched the male leave processing what had just happened, heat rushed up to his cheeks. "No one's ever touched me that gently before, what the hell?"


The red head turned the corner to the room he was assigned to by Akaashi, he froze backing behind the corner slightly peering over seeing Ushijima hug a small black haired boy before placing a soft kiss on his forehead. "Ushi did you see that new move I did out there?"

"Oh, no I'm sorry. I was in an interview."

"Oh! Did we get someone new?"

"Yeah, his name is Tendou Satori he has red hair, very hostile but his body looks fine."

The black haired male intertwined the two's fingers. "Well if you cheat on me with him I'll be pissed and quit Ushi, just because I'm a stripper doesn't mean you can go off with someone else or vice versa but bar owner for you."

"Yes I know, and I wont."

Tendou felt slightly sick, as if he was home sick.
'I'll check my room out tomorrow when I get here, I need to sleep.'

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