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A week had passed, Akaashi had to take time off his job because he took rat poison the night he lost himself, and Tendou's wounds had begun to heal quickly. The red head looked down at his phone seeing that Suga was calling him, he pressed the decline button, looking across the street he stared at the club Ushijima owned.

He breathed out removing the cigarette from his lips as smoke blew into the air, he felt tired, a hand tapped his shoulder as he turned looking at the small Nekoma killer known as Yaku. "What?"

"Give me the cig, I want a hit."

He handed it over as Yaku took a hit off of it following his gaze to the club. "So you need to kill the boss of this place?"
"Yes, but he's hard to reach. My buddy Yamagata was caught last time so Semi called me up, this is the hardest job I've had so far."

Tendou took the cigarette back for the short light brown haired male, he breathed in the toxic fumes before pressing it into the ash tray. "Just kill anyone in your way."

"Yeah, I just might have to do that."

The two began walking again, Tendou notices a familiar black haired boy with bangs looking at his phone as he stood by the bus stop, his walking stopped Yaku looking up at him with a confused look.

Tendou walked over to the boy wrapping his arm around his shoulder. "Hey there little Goshiki."

"Tendou? What're yo-"
"Watch your back tonight 'kay? It would suck if someone grabbed you, pulling you into an alleyway in the dark of night and poured acid on your skin."

Goshiki's eyes widened as Tendou began to walk away with a sinfulness smile, Yaku looked back seeing a deep fear that resided in the boys eyes. "What was that about?"

"That kid is the fucking reason I'm at Nekoma."


Goshiki looked behind him, the sun was beginning to fall and the murderous look in Tendou's eyes taunted his mind, he became paranoid. He began walking faster wanting to get home, looking back he noticed a figure emerge from the alleyway, he began to speed up tripping on an uneven part of the sidewalk.

"W-Wait! Please! Tendou I'm sorry!"

"Tendou? Goshiki what do you mean?"
The boy looked up making eye contact with familiar olive colored eyes, he sighed as his hand shakily ran through his hair. "Goshiki what do you mean? You were talking about Tendou and he hasn't been seen in a week?"

"Ushijima.. I-I did something I shouldn't have.."


Tendou looked at the silverette who was currently smoking a cigarette alone, Tendou inched close quickly hiding as a car pulled up and a tan man got out with a frown on his face, Suga placed the cigaret in the ash tray with a sigh.

"I know, I said I was going to stop I'm sorry Daichi."
"It's okay Suga, is this your only break tonight?"

Suga nodded, Tendou watched as the two hugged, he noticed Suga slightly flinching as Daichi got closer. "What's wrong?"

"Tendou is missing, and some of the people here are just... I don't know if I can keep doing this job Daichi."

Suga's voice slightly cracked at the end of his sentence, Daichi sighed holding him closer planting a kiss on his forehead. "Then quit, your stress is obviously getting worse. And it's hurting you."

An alarm went off on Suga's phone as he pulled away from the hug with a sniffle. "Uhm, I-I need to go, I have a minuet of my break left." He began walking to the door.

"Hey Koushi?"
"U-Uhm yeah?"

"I love you." Suga smiled , he ran back over wrapping his arms around Daichi, Tendou watched as the silverette's shoulder began to shake as a choked sob left him, Daichi pulled away kneeling down on the group and cupping the crying males cheeks.

"What happened Suga?"
"Please, Daichi, please don't make me go back in there."

Tendou noticed makeup covered bruises on Suga's neck, the red head turned away. "He's not in my way, I can't hurt him." He began walking away stopping in front of the club, he looked at the bouncer with a buzzcut. 

"Hey, I'm Tendou I work here. Can I talk to Ushiwaka?" The bouncer mover out of the way letting Tendou inside, he walked past the bar seeing Yamaguchi talking to a tall blonde man with glasses. The homesick feeling hit him as he stopped in front of Ushijima's door.

"Time end this game of ours Ushiwaka." He turned the handle, pausing when he opened the door to see an empty desk. "God fucking damn it."

He walked over to the desk closing the door behind him, he looked at the papers on it. He noticed drawings of the tattoo he had and other documents. Tendou sat down in the chair looking up at the computer screen. "So I have control of the music hm?" Something shiny caught his eye. "A key?"

He picked it up, looking around he noticed two doors, getting up he walked over to the door on the left. The key didn't fit, he turned around walking over to the door on the right. "Perfect."

Turning the handle he pushed it open finding a stairway, he followed it down sighing when he reached the bottom. "There's nothing is there?" He looked around finding dusty boxes and another door, he pushed it open freezing as he looked at all the weapons and maps on the wall.

He got closer, pictures of Kuroo, Semi, and others from the two groups were on the wall pinned to a location circled on the map. He stopped noticing pictures of himself on the map, though they were blurry it was obviously him, a smirk tugged at his lips. "So he knew what I was and still hired me?.... Why.."

A door slammed from the stairway, Tendou looked around seeing no place to hide. "Shit, he'll kill me." He looked at the hand gun on display, he quickly grabbed it pointing it at the bottom of the stairway as olive eyes locked with his and Goshiki appeared by his side.

"Ushibaby? Mind tellin' me what this shit is?"

Goshiki looked up at the olive haired male who held a straight face not answering Tendou. "So you knew what the hell I've done and you didn't care? You do realize my mission currently is to fucking kill you right?!"

"Tendou, I gave you a chance because you didn't look like you enjoyed tha-"
"Oh I fucking love the jobs Semi gives me! That's why I did so many!"

Goshiki began to back up onto the stairs, with and angered look he aimed the gun at Goshiki. "Don't fucking move you little bitch." The boy raised his hands in surrender Tendou laughed as he smiled widely. "Awh how cute, you really think just listening to me is going to save you? Hahahaha no! You hired the fucking boss of Nekoma to come and burn me with chemicals! You should burn as well!"

Goshiki's mouth opened but no sound came out, or what did was muffled by the sound of a gunshot, his hands pressed against his chest blood seeped through his fingers as his knees buckled under him and he fell onto the ground. "Goshiki!"

Tendou smiled seeing Ushijima panic trying to help the dying boy, a small giggle left him as he pet the gun.

"Well Ushibabe, it's just us now."

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