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Goshiki looked down at the blinding lights under his feet, a cool summer breeze blew through his hair as he stared down with red, puffy and dead eyes. The imagine of Tendou and Ushijima together haunted his brain, his head pounded as a migraine attacked him, dangerous thoughts pulled at his brain.

"Tendou.." His voice softly spoke out into the black sky. "You're a monster from hell aren't you? Ruining everybody's fucking lives!" 

His voice didn't echo as he stood up looking down at the light littered concrete far below. "Goshiki?" The boy turned around making eye contact with Shirabu and an ash blonde male. "Goshiki, come here, don't step off please. Come here, tell us what's going on?"

He turned around again looking back at the sight where he could end it, his vision went blurry as his eyes began to sting when nonexistent tears clouded his eyes. He slowly walked over to Shrabu feeling the copper head's arms wrapping around him, the stranger looked at the two with a sad frown.

"Go, what happened? Did Ushijima do something? Why're you here?"
"T-Tendou was with him, Shirabu.. He was shirtless with hickeys a-and they were about to kiss.."

Goshiki noticed the stranger had tensed up, Shirabu turned around looking at him, "Semi? What's wrong?" Semi looked at Goshiki, a shiver running down the boy's spine as he looked into Semi's eyes.

"Forget Ushijima ever existed, I sent Tendou out to kill him anyways. I'm sorry that he caused you this pain, I'll take half his pay as a punishment."

"Semi, I don't think that's enough.."
"You're right, it's not. But he's the best killer I have."


Tendou walked into the hallway meeting the gaze of puffy red eyes from the silverette. "Hi Suga."

"Don't 'Hi Suga' me Tendou. What the hell were you thinking? Why were you even doing that I thought you didn't like Ushijima?!"

Tendou let his gaze fall meeting the black carpeted floor as Suga sighed. "So you don't remember anything you said when you were drunk?" The silverette shook his head as Tendou's phone began to ring, he looked at the caller ID, 'Semi'.


"Tendou I need to talk with you come to my office."

"But it's ten at night-"

"Now Tendou."

Semi hung up on him as he looked at Suga giving him a wave before beginning to walk away. "Where are you going?! You still have to finish your shift!"

"Ushijima wont care. Tell him I felt sick."


Tendou opened the door to Semi's office pausing when he saw Goshiki and a tall black haired male with golden eyes. "What's happening? Where's Semi..?" The ravenette with rooster-like hair walked over causing Tendou to back up into the wall, he was screwed, he didn't have any weapons on him.

He felt a wet, gloved hand grab his wrist. A tingling burn sensation began to for under where the gloved hand laid. "What the he-" His words were cut off as his skin felt like it was melting, he winced as the pain intensified as the rooster head looked back at Goshiki. "I will need to remove my hand soon, hydrochloric acid does need medical attention as soon as possible but since Semi gave us fifteen minuets, where else?"

"Eh you can have fun with your weird chemicals, Kuroo. Hey whats this silver nitrate stuff?"

Kuroo smiled as he removed his hand from Tendou's wrist, the red head looked down seeing his skin had large holes revealing his flesh. He didn't listen as Kuroo walked over with whatever it was Goshiki had said, Tendou locked eyes with him as he neared closer.

"Fuck off, just let me go god damnit, what the hell do you want Goshiki?"
"Shut up Tendou. I could ask to remove your tongue, Semi gave me free range but I'm not allowed to kill you."

Tendou felt like he had been abandoned as Kuroo poured cold water on his wrist, the ravenette didn't seem to like doing this to the red head. "This next one is our last one Goshiki."

"What? No we still have ten minuets!" 
"I said its your last one, these are dangerous and I don't needing Semi's group coming after mine."

Kuroo gently grabbed Tendou's arm placing a liquid onto his skin, it slowly stared turning a jet black color as the burning sensation came back and Kuroo left to the other arm. Tendou tried his best to hide any signs of pain, until the ravenette put some on his stomach creating a large design.

"W-What the hell did you just put on my stomach?"
"Until this burn heals and the stain fades you're in my group, Semi allowed this so don't worry. But, you'll need to stay away from that club for a few."

Goshiki looked angry at the rooster head who backed away carefully disposing of his gloves and the chemicals, he looked up at the clock. "See Goshiki? We still have four minuets left so that those will burn into his skin, now just be patient."

Tendou and Goshiki noticed the various burn scars on the man's hands, most likely from the chemicals he uses for his victims. Tears unknowingly fell from Tendou's eyes as he bit down on his lip, it hurt, Kuroo quickly walked over with some water softly dabbing at the burns.

"Why are you doing that? Just let it burn him."
"Goshiki, you really do not understand that if I hurt him too much Semi will take away my best killer, and unlike him, I'm dating mine."

Goshiki had gone quiet as he watched. "What's your assassin's name?"
"Kenma." Tendou tried his best to make a conversation with him but the pain of his skin getting eaten away was too painful. "We normally only use these when getting rid of a face or when asking questions and they won't answer, but we normally just use one. I'm sorry."

"How'd you learn about these?"
"I was a huge chemistry nerd in high school, me and my friend Yaku would argue about it a lot, what about you? Where'd you learn to kill?"

"I killed my roommate, and then Semi found out which I didn't know he had this until after." Kuroo looked up at the clock before standing up and walking over to the door. "Okay Goshiki bye, you don't need to stay here any longer than you should. Plus, we need to be leaving."

Semi peered in from the door seeing Tendou, he walked over looking at the wounds. "If you're gonna kill anybody Semi, go after Goshiki. Kuroo didn't choose them." Tendou looked over noticing Goshiki was already gone, Semi smirked.

"Did it hurt Tendou?"
"Fuck off."

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