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Tendou awoke the next day feeling Suga's small frame in his arms, a warm smile tugged at his lips as he moved himself up slightly pressing a kiss against the male's temple. Suga slightly moved back closer to Tendou, the red haired male realizing both of them were naked, he felt the silver haired male roll over facing him. "Were you going to leave?"

Tendou shook his head at the pale boy's question seeing his dark chocolate brown eyes glimmer as he grinned, despite the voice in Tendou's head telling him this wasn't smart, he leaned in pressing his lips against Suga's as his hand ran through his soft silver hair. "So, what do you wanna call this Ten?" 

"hm, I guess first date is okay."


Ushijima watched Tendou and Suga walk in through the door, he noticed the faint bruises on their necks and Suga had a bruised lip, he walked up to them with his blank expression. Tendou noticed the olive haired male was wearing the purple and white baseball jacket.

"Suga, Shirabu said you kicked him out last night, he sounded drunk and was throwing a fit about needing a ride."
"Oh, yeah I was tired and Ten here lives far away so he just stayed for the night."

Ushijima looked at the red haired male who was spacing out, he looked back at the silver haired male. "Someone named Daichi talked to me yesterday, do you know him perhaps?" Suga shook his head noticing Ushijima glance back over at Tendou. "Ushi, um can we talk about something?"

Tendou noticed Suga and Ushijima walk away from him towards the backstage area, with a sigh he walked over to the empty bar, Akaashi wasn't here yet. He noticed Bokuto grimly sitting on the stage next to the pole, he walked over to the male who once again had his hair down. "Hey."

"Hey, hey." His response also seemed down. "What's going on? You're normally really hyperactive and happy?"

"Agaashie is sick... And I have work so I can't take care of him because he banished me from coming over.."

Tendou snickered at the whiny tone the male had, Bokuto flashed him a glare. "Just tell Ushijima you're not feeling well and go to Akaashi, though he said not to he really enjoys you're company."

Bokuto's eyes glittered as his expression glowed, he jumped down pulling Tendou into a bone crushing hug. "And how do you know so much about my Agaashiee?"

"Wow- you are really stupid-"

"He always has a really loving and admiring look whenever he sees you, and he looks jealous when you get close with someone off the stage. Haven't you noticed?"

Tendou watched as Bokuto grabbed his jacket and with a wave he left the club, he heard Ushijima's voice but when he turned around to nothing he begun to feel home sick. Pushing open the door to back stage, there he saw Suga, Ushijima and they boy he guessed was Goshiki.

"Ah hey Tendou! Look you finally get to meet Goshiki!" Suga pointed at the small boy with a bowl cut who was holding Ushijima's hand, the red head felt his lips turn to a frown as he waved and entered his room, before he closed the door Suga stopped in the doorway.

"Hey what's wrong?" 

He watched as Tendou lazily flopped down belly first into the bed in his room. "I feel home sick again, I'm not sure why because I never feel this way.." He felt Suga sit down next to him rubbing his back, he heard the door slightly squeak. "Is he not feeling well?" It was Ushijima.

"Oh he just feels home sick, he'll be better in a minute don't worry too much."

The red head felt Suga's presence leave the room as the door closed and footsteps neared him. "Tendou face me." The red head sighed heavily at the sound of Ushijima's voice, slowly he got up facing the man, they locked eyes. "Are you feeling okay? I have medicine in my office if you need any."

"Nah, I'm okay I swear- woah hey-" He felt cold hands snake under his shirt resting on his sides,before removing themselves landing on his cheeks then forehead. "You have a fever and you're sleepy. Are you dehydrated? What did you do last night?"

Tendou felt his vision get blurry as he slightly leaned forward, he saw Ushijima move closer grabbing the red head's legs wrapping them around his waist. "Wow, hang on tiger damn, I though you were dating someone."

"Just wrap your arms around your neck and shut up, I'm taking you to my office so we can get you medication, are you allergic to anything?" Tendou wrapped his arms around his boss's neck the home sick feeling begun to fade away the closer they got, he felt more sleepy as Ushijima's arms wrapped under his thighs.

"Mmm, no.. I don't remembwer.." The olive haired male slightly smiled at the red heads sleep slurred speech, quickly hiding it as he opened the door seeing Goshiki with an angry look. "Go he's sick could you run up ahead and unlock my office please? Oh and open the medicine cabinet please."

A sigh left the boy as his expression changed to guilt, he took the key and walked away, Ushijima felt Tendou tightly grab at his jacket. "Are you cold?"

"No, it's too hot.."
"Hey, you're okay, it's like sixty degree's in here though."

The olive haired male felt Tendou slightly cuddle closer to him, he felt his warm skin through their clothes. "You're gonna be okay, can you tell me what happened last night?"

"I shmoked for the first time in a whiles, I got a little tipsy and then me and Suga did stuff and I started to feel sick whens I got herem."

Tendou whined as he felt Ushijima set him down on a cold leather couch, Goshiki handed the red head a cold glass of water as Ushijima looked through the medicine. "This is a bad time to introduce myself but I'm Goshiki, sorry I gave you a rude look earlie-"

"Awww, Goshikiii~ I know you~ You were the underclass man of one of my clients." Goshiki gave him a confused look before Ushijima handed Tendou two pills. "Those will make you sleep so you're welcomed to stay in here or I can take you to your room or house."

"I can't go home till I finish my job, or I'll get in troubles."

Ushijima stared down at the nearly passed out red head on his couch, he pulled his gaze off him as Goshiki hugged him. "He's kinda scary."

"Yeah, just a little. Let's let him sleep, wanna help me set up the ba-"

"And you're talking about only the club again.." Ushijima ran a hand through his back hair, murmuring a soft sorry. "Where do you wanna go then?"

"Could we go to that new sushi place? Pleaseee?"

"Yeah, I guess we can."

When the two left the room Tendou begun to feel the homesickness naw at him again. "Please come back, Ushijima.."

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