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Ushijima stared up at his empty ceiling, his mind ran with thoughts, some of the small boy who attacked him, the new performer: Tendou, Goshiki and how Akaashi and Bokuto seemed to be getting closer. With a sigh he closed his eyes hearing his door open, he listened as the barely audible footsteps got closer to him before a weight pressed onto the bed.

"Ushi, are you okay?"

The olive haired male opened his eyes, turning his head to look at Goshiki who held a sad and worried look in his chocolate brown eyes. "Yeah, I just have a lot on my mind right now, im worried about the club and some of it's employees who are getting too close to each oth-"

"So what if they're 'too close'? I work under you and yet I'm with you, it'd be hypocritical for you to not allow anyone to date."

Ushijima sat up looking at the closed door Goshiki had entered from, he felt the boy's small arms wrap around his arm as his head rested on the olive haired male's shoulder. "All you talk about is the club Ushi, it's making me jealous, like you love it more than me.."

Ushijima flinched at the saddened tone in Goshiki's voice, he placed a hand on the boy's cheek doing a circular motion with his thumb on Goshiki's soft skin. "I'm sorry, I guess I have been ignoring you for a building." As he spoke the boy leaned into his hand adoring the olive male's touch, Ushijima leaned in placing a kiss on the boy's forehead.


Tendou walked into the bar seeing Akaashi setting up the cup and alcohol, next to him was the black and silver haired stripper from the night before in a white hoodie and black jeans, his hair wasn't up like last night and he had a tired look on his face.

"Hey Akaashi. Can I ask you a question?" 

The black haired male jumped in surprise at Tendou's voice, with a smile he nodded as Bokuto sat on the counter. "Last night I was walking down to my room and I saw Ushijima with a short black haired boy, who is that?"

"Oh! That's Goshiki, him and Ushijima are together."

Tendou nodded with a tired sigh, he could barely sleep last night, it was his bad habit for when he was stressed. Akaashi turned his head as Bokuto began to talk, Tendou noticing a light bruise on his neck.

"Are you two dating?"

Bokuto's eyes widened and Akaashi stayed silent, they looked at each other for a moment before Akaashi spoke up. "No, we just hooked up, and we were both sober when Bokuto asked." Tendou smirked knowing Akaashi admired the male stripper but didn't think he admired him that much.

"Oh right! I'm Bokuto Koutarou! Nice to finally meet you Tendou, Akaashi told me about you last night." Tendou hummed in response a headache was threatening at his skull, he waved taking out the key to his room and walking over to the hall. He stopped at the door turning the key and pushing the door. "Ugh, why the hell isn't this working?" 

"Do you need some help?"

Tendou turned his head to see a silver haired male with deep brown eyes and a freckle on his left cheek, his features were soft reminding Tendou of a mother. "Uhm yeah, I can't open the door." The silver haired man turned the key, twisting the handle, pulling the door back then pushing it open. "There you go, nice to meet you Tendou."

"Nice to meet you too uhm."

"Suga, or Sugawara." The two shook hands before Suga left to his own room closing the door behind him, Tendou in the room in front of him. "So this is my job for now hm? Tsk this better not take forever."


Tendou looked at the costume Suga handed him, it was a bit, okay it was really revealing. "Uh, Suga I don't think I can-"

"Chill out, this is just the base of it. Ushijima wouldn't make us just dress like the strippers unless he told us about it first, today we're not performing because you're new and need to learn the basics so for in the meantime~ We get to go give the VIP tables their drinks!"

Tendou awkwardly smiled at the silver haired male's enthusiasm, he officially hated this job Semi gave him, maybe it was a punishment not a job. Putting on the clothes Suga handed him he looked in the mirror, despite what most people think, he didn't really like seeing his body. When he walked out Suga held two trays with a smile handing one to Tendou.

"Okay so Akaashi will give us a number from three to five, then he will give us an order of drinks that we need to take to the table since he is not allowed to leave the bar alone, especially during a busy night." With an angry grumble he followed Suga's instructions watching as Suga got the drinks and happily walked off, Akaashi handed him a card saying '2' before putting six drinks on his tray.

Pushing open the curtain he saw the six drunk as shit guys who ordered the drinks, they all looked at Tendou as he walked towards the table setting drinks down. His hair fell in front of his eyes when he finished, quickly turning around and fixing his hair he felt a hand grab his wrist pulling him back.

"Hey come on don't leave~ Take a drink with us."

"Yeah I'm good no thanks, if you'll excuse me I have a job to -"

Tendou felt the cold table press against his back as he glared up at the male on top of him, he felt another pair of hands run up his exposed thighs. "Hey get the fuck off before I beat the living shit out of you." The man smirked at Tendou's remark tightening his grip around the red heads grip his nails slightly digging into his skin.

"You have no muscle I highly doubt you could beat me up."

And the last straw had fallen, with a smirk Tendou wrapped his legs around the man's waist earning a happy smile from him as he leaned in connecting their lips and letting go of Tendou's wrists as his hands moved down to his hips. Pulling away from the kiss with a venomous smile he reared his head back before harshly head butting the man, he fell to the ground as Tendou got up spitting at the him. "Take you're fucking saliva back, asshole."

He locked eyes with Suga when he got back to the bar, he was tired. "Can I go to my room? I had a bad moment with a customer and I'd like to be alone for a minute?" Suga held a pitiful look as he set down the empty tray pulling Tendou into a hug. "You're always free to go, what table was it because I can kick them out."

"Oh it's fine, just be careful if you get table two." With that Tendou broke away from the hug and walked to his room, Suga walked over to the bouncer at the door.

A man who was slightly tan stopped watching as a pale, silver haired male showed up by the bouncer. He didn't know what he was saying but soon the bouncer was gone and came back dragging out three men before disappearing again. Once the man was back he walked over, pulling out his ID.

"I need to speak with Ushijima, business details only."
"In the back, take a right and down the hallway take a left. You'll see his door."


"No problem Daichi."

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