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"Well Ushibabe, it's just us now."

Ushijima looked into Tendou's bright murderous gold eyes, here was the red head he loved, a killer. Tendou had the gun in his hand as it pointed up at the ceiling, a smile pulled at the red head's lips as he got down close to Ushijima.

"I'm sure poor little Goshiki won't mind, if we kissed again?"

His lips were inches from Ushijima's the man's olive eyes glanced down at the gun in Tendou's hand, the red head sighed pulling away wrapping his arms around Ushijima's neck with the muzzle of the gun pointed to the back of the olive haired man's head.

"Come on Ushibabe? Didn't you wanna kiss me? Do you not miss me baby?"
"Tendou you ju-"

"Shh, let me have this moment, you're handsome even with a gun pointed at you."
Tendou pressed their lips together, Ushijima let his eyes close as he kissed back, slightly opening one he moved closer to a wall pushing Tendou against it. "Ah Tendou, how far do you want me to go?"

A loving smile appeared of the red head's lips as he leaned close to Ushijima's ear. "Fuck me Ushibabe.. Please?" Tendou moved back his head resting against the wall with a soft giggle, Ushijima pressed semi harsh kisses against Tendou's neck hearing those sinful moans come from him again.

"I love you Ushi- Hmm~" Ushijima cut the red head off with a kiss, he didn't want to hear those words yet, he let his hands go down to Tendou's pants pulling them down slightly, he could see the beginning of the red head's tattoo.

"Ushijima if you don't shut up I'll shoot you, please.."

The murderous look was gone and was replaced with a scared yet loving look, Tendou was scared to shoot him. He pulled back beginning to undo his belt, he looked back at the red head who was now shaking as he looked at the gun in his hands. He began to pull down his pants leaning in and catching Tendou's lips with his own, he felt the other smile.

The loud sound of a door slamming open made them pause, Ushijima looking away and at Goshiki who held a smile as he weakly held his phone up. "Monsters need to be hunted." The boy laughed Tendou frowned as he aimed the gun at him again about to pull the trigger when it was slapped out of his hand.

His eyes widened in shock as he looked at angry olive eyes. "I'm sorry he shot you Goshiki, let me deal with him." The injured boy just let out a groan as Tendou pushed Ushijima off of him grabbing the gun, he felt a hand grab his leg pulling him back. He quickly rolled over pointing the muzzle of the gun at Ushijima's forehead.

"I was going to give you everything.. I wasn't going to go through with Semi's mission. And I get this in return.. I.. All for nothing at all?! Ha! God this is such bullshit ya know?"

"Tendou I-"

"Shut the fuck up Ushiwaka! You know what? I don't wanna fucking look at you aga-" His words stopped as he pulled the trigger, blood hit his face as Ushijima fell limp onto him, Goshiki coughed heavily as he tried to call out to the olive haired male.

Tendou pushed the man off of him, pulling his pants back up and walking over to the dying boy he kicked him to the wall. "I hope you die down here with that asshole." He heard foot steps coming down the stairs, he smiled locking eyes with Suga and Daichi. "Hi Suga.."

"T-Tendou what have you.."
"I need to do something, I won't be coming back though. Please move I don't wanna shoot you."

Suga slowly moved to the side with Daichi as Tendou passed them, the two heard a coughing sob come from Goshiki, they quickly rushed down helping him up. Daichi looked over his shoulder at the dead man on the floor. "Suga what abou-"

"He's dead, we need to get Goshiki to the hospital hurry up!"


Semi rested his head on Shirabu's shoulder, flinching as he heard gunshots go off. "What the fuck?" The two went quiet as what sounded like a body hitting the door made Semi quickly look for his gun. "Shit I can't find it!" Shirabu got up quickly trying to find it but paused when he looked over seeing the door cracked and smiling eyes stared at him.

He slowly moved back to Semi as the door opened revealing Tendou, the ash blonde pushed Shirabu behind him. "Tendou, what are you doing here? Is your mission completed?"

"Yeah it's completed, but I don't want a fucking pay."

His arm rose as he pointed a gun at Shirabu, his smile dropped as he stared at Semi. "You made me kill him, I should take away what's precious to you Eita."

"You wanted that job Tendou, do not blame me for you becoming like this again and killing him, shoot me. I survived your bullets before this one isn't going to be different, you'll aim at my head then my chest but decide to shoot me in the side."

Shirabu slowly opened a drawer seeing Semi's gun, he slowly yet swiftly grabbed it cocking it and getting ready to shoot the red head. "Fine. Let's see if you do survive this time~" A happy laugh left the red head as he pulled the trigger, the bullet shot deep into Semi's side but didn't come out from the other side, the ash blonde choked as he dropped to the ground.

Tendou smiled widely as he got closer to the desk grabbing Semi's flask from the desk, he took a sip. "You seem to really like Vodka and rum, it's an ugly choice." His eyes shifted from Semi to Shirabu as he set the gun down pointing it at the copper head.

"Tsk, fuck off Tendou." The red head raised an eyebrow at the copper head, taking another sip from the flask pausing as he saw the gun, he swallowed and set the flask down. "Shoot me Shirabu, lets see if being with this murderer who has plenty of ghosts haunting his head has taught you anything."

Shirabu pointed the muzzle at Tendou, the red head doing the same, he pulled the trigger but there was no gunshot. "Checkmate." The red head pulled the trigger before turning around and beginning to walk out of the door. He stopped as he saw his blood dripping onto the ground as a loud gunshot went off, he looked over his shoulder to see Semi with his known silver and black gun before the ash blonde collapsed to the ground.

Tendou held his wound as he limped out of the building. "Ushi.. Ushiwaka.. I need to find Ushiwaka." When he got to the bar he entered from the back, he quickly limped down the stairs noticing Goshiki was gone, he collapsed in front of Ushijima's corpse pulling his head into his lap.

"Ushi? Ushiwaka?"

There was no answer to comfort Tendou's sick feeling. "H-Hey Ushiwaka I love you please wake up? Heh, haha, this isn't funny Ushibabe." A series of footsteps came down the stairs as guns cocked.

"Hands where we can see them!"

Tendou smiled as tears ran down his cheeks, he bent back slightly, looking at the series of police men with guns pointed at him.

"Kill me."


"Former Mafia member of Shiratorizawa: Tendou Satori found holding the dead owner of Club Kalopsia. When police found him they say he smiled and asked them to kill him, now he is currently under suicide watch in a rehab that we are not allowed to say for many reasons. He was ruled guilty as he told the judge how he killed Ushijima Wakatoshi, Semi Eita and Shirabu Kenjiro . A boy named Goshiki Tsutomu in critical condition who might be on his death bed because of Tendou but the hospital does not know for.."

Tendou smiled as he turned looking at the dead and bloody security guard who was meant to be watching him. "I think I'll go home now."

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