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Warning: Smut scenes ahead.

Tendou pulled the key from his pocket, on it written on tape was 'master key', Ushijima must've slipped it in his pocket. He walked over to the empty club noticing the bar lights were still turned on and Bokuto's hoodie laid on the counter, pulling open the door he walked inside quietly closing it. He walked over to the bar hearing faint voices from the hallway.

"Hey, Akaashi? You still here?"

Nothing answered except the hushed voices, Tendou opened the door to the hallway following the noises till he got to a door that read 'bar storage'. He pressed an ear to the thin door.

"Ah, Kou that hurts." 
"'m sorry Agaashi.."

Tendou noticed the door was slightly open, he pushed it open a little more peering in, Akaashi and Bokuto were in there, both naked. The silver and black haired male leaned in capturing the bartender's lips with his as a loud moan left Akaashi.

"G-Good boy Kou, that's it."

Bokuto's hands tightly gripped Akaashi's hips pulling him into his thrusts, he harshly kissed and sucked on the other's neck as he continued, Akaashi lost the ability to speak as Bokuto sped up, a bottle on the counter fell onto the ground shattering open as the two finished their round.

Loud pants filled the air, Akaashi looked exhausted while Bokuto was still energized, the silver and black haired male begun to move again. "Ah wait, what fell Koutaou? C-Can you figure it out before we do this again?"

Bokuto pulled away with a pout looking down at the bottle. "Uh, Agaashi it's one of you're expensive drinks." Akaashi laid back onto the counter with a sigh. "Shit Koutarou we can't I need to go get more money and pay for a new one before my next shift, customers will kill me if I don- hm~" Bokuto had pulled Akaashi into a passionate kiss slowly beginning to thrust into the black haired male again.

"I'll pay for it, okay Agaashi? Stop stressing yourself out.."
"O-Okay, but we really should get leaving."

Akaashi cupped Bokuto's cheek pressing a soft kiss on his forehead. "Let's go to your house Kou, its a short drive. Okay?"
"Hmm but we're already hereee.."

Akaashi ran his hands through the strippers hair. "Please baby? I don't wanna break anything else, you did really well but we need to stop doing it here."

Tendou quickly backed away from the door rushing out to the main room, he waited until Akaashi came out buttoning up his shirt. "Oh Tendou, what're you doing here?"

"I-I was just going to sleep here for tonight since my house is far away and Suga is out doing a chill out night." 

Akaashi nodded as Bokuto appeared from behind the door looking nervous "A-Ah hey Tendou! Nice seeing you a-at these hours." Tendou waved at the nervous male as Akaashi and Bokuto looked at each other.

"You didn't hear or see anything did you ?"

Tendou shook his head at Akaashi's question making a confused face, the two let out a relieved sigh as they left the club saying their goodbye's to the red head. Tendou pulled the key out of his pocket unlocking his door, as he was about to walk in the back door opened reveling a very drunk Suga and Goshiki and Ushijima holding him.


"Uh, hi?"

Goshiki sighed in relief as he carried Suga over to Tendou making the red head take the drunk silverette "'Kay he's you're job now! C'mon Ushi lets go home." Goshiki intertwined his fingers with Ushijima's as he walked away, the olive haired male murmured a goodbye before closing the back door.

Tendou felt jealous and angry. "That fucking Goshiki."
"OooOoo Language young man!"

Tendou looked at the silverette in his arms. "God you're a mess, come on, you're going to sleep." A tiny gasp left Suga as he giggled. "Noooo, you have a crush on Ushi~ And you're gonna tells me to sleep??"

A blush arose on Tendou's cheeks, he knew Suga was right, but he didn't want to admit it. "Fine whatever, just lay down and go to sleep okay?"

"Goshiki made you jellyyy~ Cmere Tendi I'll cuddle you~"

Sighing in defeat Tendou walked closer wrapping his arms around the silverette's waist feeling his warm arms wrap around his neck, leaning in Tendou pressed a sweet and soft kiss to his forehead. "Can we kiss agains? I kinda saw mys ex and.." Suga's sentence slowly turned to a low murmur.

"hm, yeah I guess we can hun. Lets go in my room though okay?" With a big smile Suga escaped from the red heads arms skipping into his room, Tendou walked over seeing him laying on the bed. "Why is your bed more comfortable than mine? That's unfairr."

Tendou didn't answer as he closed the door, crawling up onto Suga and grabbing his wrists planting them above his head before looking down at his pale skin. "So who is this person known as your ex?"

"Uh, his name is Daichi, he got busy and then when he found out this was my job we fought because he didn't like how dangerous it is."
"That's kind of a dumb reason to breakup with him, I mean he is right but its your choice."

Suga pulled his hands away, wrapping his arms around Tendou's neck connecting their lips. "I used to work at a flower shop during the day, that's how I met him. Oh and there was this weirdo named Oikawa who would come and make jokes while Daichi wasn't there, but his friend would drag him out calling him 'Shittykawa'"

Tendou tried not to laugh at the name as Suga mode him sit on the bed before straddling him. "Honestly if that dumb jokester got me before Daichi did you probably wouldn't have met me." Tendou frowned at the thought as Suga connected their lips again the red head placed his hands on the silverette's hips pulling him in closer, enjoying how close they were before Suga pulled away with a smile.

"And you? Who is this Semi?~"
"Ah he's my daytime boss, but before he built his own thing with me we were roomies because my old one, something uh happened. But me and Semi would sometimes do stuff like this when I got emotional for no reason."

Suga had cupped his cheek and was softly rubbing circles on his skin, a warm smile on his drunken lips. "We gotta get you with Ushibaby, it seems like he'd be your first real relationship."

"But what about Goshiki?"
"I can deal with him, youuu get closer to you man okay?"

Softing booping Tendou's nose Suga laughed snuggling into the redhead's chest. "I kind of miss Daichi but he must be with someone else now.."

"Well now you have a deal you weirdo."

Suga hummed waiting for Tendou to speak again. "You help me get closer to Ushijima and I'll help you get Daichi back?"
"Hmm, yeah okay, deal."

The two laid on Tendou's bed, enjoying their embrace and warmth, breathing in deeply Tendou could smell the cigarette Suga had before getting here, he ran his fingers through the sleeping boy's hair. 
"You need to stop smoking, I can tell its getting worse.."

There was no answer as Suga shifted moving closer to Tendou's figure, the red head pulled him in closer holding him tightly. "I'll make sure you get better Suga, but only as a friend."

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