Part 3

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Roy's pov

"Arsenal, why aren't you helping the people in the restaurant." Oliver angering said through the intercoms.

"I'm sorry but I can't, I know the kid who you saw earlier today. I've been ass to him my whole life , I need to help him." I said.

"Can we trust him?" I looked down at stiles who was in my car knocked out, he looked different.

"Yea, we can definitely trust him, he has kept and still kept many secrets but keep your mask on i haven't talked to that part of my life in 3 years, so I don't know if I'm ready to reveal myself."

As Cisco calls it to the arrowcave

I brought stiles on the table, he looked like he was waking up. Then he started freaking out.

"Where the hell am I?" He said, gasping for air, then coughing it up.

"Stiles calm down, why are you in star city."

Stiles pov

I don't what it is about him, but I have this odd gut feeling that I can trust him.

"A little over a year ago, I broke ties off with my home town I wanted to escape that hell hole. So a couple days later of waking anywhere because I had no destination. Then I was kidnapped by a guy named Malcolm Merlyn probably heard of him attacked your city last year, I was planning a escape that whole entire year."

"He put me in this nice house it was definitely only affordable to the rich it actually reminded me of this guy named Jacksons house aka jackass No one has heard from him in 3 years. Sorry I'm getting off track But I did train with him, that's what he wanted me to do, its why he kidnapped me. But it's probably apart of some bigger plan. But he made me chose a weapon, so I picked a bow and arrow in the memory of Allison argent I blame my self for her death. Anywho in the end I escaped and now Merlyn is trying to kill me."

"Wow that interesting." The blonde with glasses said. "But that kid Jackson I could find him for you." I nodded but Arsenal had a second of panic on his face.

"Wait do you even want him to be found you said he was a jackass, do you want to find him?" The man in red leather asked. He made a good point but I do want to find him to at least know he's alive then Ill go back to hating him.

"Yes I do, so please find him, I'll go back to hating him after I know he's alive." The guy smiled. But felicity started to get to work. Arsenal looks like he was contemplating something.

"Felicity stop. You'll ping his phone to beacon hills preserve, the last time he visited 3 years ago he decided to get a new life a new phone a new name. He changed his name to Roy Harper." Felicity was it? Completely looked at him in shock. Do they know him?

"How do you know all this?!" I demanded, he then slowly pulled down his hood and took off his mask. Holy shit.

"Hey, my names roy Harper, nice to meet you."

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