Part 5

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That's stiles suit and I know I stole it from Clint Barton. And act like he has a hood

2 1/2 years ago

It's been six months of being a vigilante named mischief. Roy was right this is possibly the best life I could ever have, speaking of Roy I stopped hating him 4 months ago yes it took me two months, but we have grown to be close roommates.

"ROY WILLAM HARPER JR. WHY THE HELL IS MY PIZZA HALF EATEN." I yelled throwing my pizza at him, waking him up.

"MIECZYSLAW STILINSKI, I DIDNT EAT YOUR PIZZA YOU DID WHEN YOU WERE DRUNK OFF YOUR ASS LAST NIGHT." Before I knew jackass was chasing me and throwing the remaining slices at me. Until the news came on.

"There has been 30 murders in beacon hills, over the past 3 weeks." Me and Roy looked at each other.

"You should go down there and check up if there alright because they haven't seen you in 3 1/2 years also nose gose." He rolled his eyes as I put my finger on my nose.

"Fine, do you want me to tell them your alive and not far away dead in a ditch."

"Act like you didn't even know I left, because they think we want to kill eachother, although my radar on killing you has been all over the place lately." He softly chuckled, and walked to his bedroom.

Jackson's pov

When I arrived in beacon hills, I was scared. Scared of what the pack would say I've been gone for over three years with no contact. On my way to there, I had to make up every single lie possible up in my head. I know there going to ask questions, but I can't exactly tell them that I'm the vigilante in the red hood that you see on tv, that my roommate is the guy who left 1 1/2 year ago who they remember hating my guts, and he was trained by former member of the league of Assassains, who is also a mass murder. I can't tell them that Thea Queen is my girlfriend and Oliver Queen is my mentor, the one person I look up to, and how they both hold such a special place in my heart. I can't tell them, I'm no more Jackson whittemore, I'm just Roy Harper.

Stiles told me there meeting days so I could just walk in then, Friday, 7:00. So I pulled up to the loft.

As I knocked on the door, as Scott opened the door and revealed me. Everyone's jaws dropped in shock, I had no idea what to say so I just blurted out.

"I'm back bitches." I said, Lydia ran up to me and hugged me.

"Where have you been, and why haven't you awnsered my texts or calls." She angrily said.

"I'll explain everything, okay." I took a deep breathe and tried to steady my heart beat the best I could. "3 1/2 years ago, when I was halfway across America, I went swimming and I didn't know my phone was in my pockets. My SIM card got fried, I couldn't get my old number back, I couldn't remember any of your guys. I kept on telling myself to come back but just more and more distractions kept me further away from beacon hills. But I'm finally home, for now." The banshee's smile fell.

"For now? Your not staying?" I sighed, no I'm not staying cause I'm a fracking guy who jumps on roof tops in red hood with my girlfriends brother.

"Lydia, it's been a long time. I made new friends, really good and close friends. And in beacon hills I'm remembered as the jackass." I mean it's really not a lie, so there was so no point in steadying my heart beat. I looked around the room, to see the whole pack which made me realize I have to act like I don't know stiles left.

"Hey guys where's Stilinksi? Not that I don't mind that he's not here." Lydia opened her mouth to answer but Scott cut her off.

"He left, he gave up on us. He's betrayed us." I tried so hard to not get angry. Betrayed? Bitch please.

"I didn't like the guy, but that doesn't sound like something he would do." I said.

"He didn't do that, Scott is just being over dramatic and stupid. I actually think it was good stiles left the horrific town." Lydia stated.

"I'm not being over dramatic lyds, I begged him not leave but he did and now he doesn't have to suffer like we do, just because he's human doesn't mean he gets to not experience the horrifying things like us!!" Scott yelled at her,making her flinch but she gathered herself of up.

"God you are so selfish Scott, and to think you guys were best friends correction brothers." Don't worry Lyds he has a way better one now.

I went to the restroom and came back, saw Lydia looking at my phone ringing.

"Who's brooding green ass elf?" I chuckled at the name and snatched the phone out of her hands.

"What's up Oliver?"

"Roy where are you?" Seriously stiles you had one job.

"I thought mischief would've told you I'm in beacon hills."

"I thought you two never wanted to go back there."

"Well, they've had 30 murders in 3 weeks, anyways why did you call me?" Then I heard Felicity in the background "he's not going to make it."

"Oliver whats going on, why is felicity saying he's not going to make it?"

"You know why, it's the reason why I'm calling you and not him." I could feel the tears trying to escape my eyes.

"No, no no."

"It's mischief Roy, he's on the brink of death."

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