Buying Draco's car and adventures in the muggle world

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It was saturday morning and you woke up very late. You were about to get up from your bed when Daisy one of the houses elves appeard.

- Goodmorning mistress Y/N master Carter told me to inform you that he and mistress Safira went to the minister to have a meeting whit the Minister himself about Rita Skeeter. They will come home at night time and will probably miss dinner. He also told me that the Malfoy kid while come over to stay with you.(Daisy)

- Thank you Daisy you may go now.(Y/N)

- Of course mistress.(Daisy)

Daisy dissapeard from your room and you went to go get ready. You toke a shower and then put some simple clothes on.

~~Your outfit~~

After finishing getting ready you went downstairs to eat breakfast

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After finishing getting ready you went downstairs to eat breakfast. Once you finished eating breakfast you recieved a letter. You grabbed the letter and saw that it was from Draco.

Hello baby let's go buy a car today. Well let me explain I want your help to choose which car I am gonna buy can you help me please? I will be in your house in an hour.

Your and only love Draco Malfoy. 

You smiled once you read the letter and decided to right him an answer.

Hello my love I would love to buy a car with you. 

Love Y/N Ivy.

- Daisy can you come here please?(Y/N)

- Of course mistress what do you need?(Daisy)

- Can you take this letter to Draco Malfoy in Malfoy manor right now?(Y/N)

- Of course mistress.(Daisy)

You gave the letter to Daisy and she appareted to Malfoy manor.

At Malfoy Manor:

~~Draco pov~~

I send a letter to Y/N and went to have a shower before meeting with her. Once I finished my shower I walked out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel. I was about to get dressed when an elf appeard it was one of the Ivy's elves. 

- Good morning sorry to interrup but I have a letter from mistress Y/N to you.(Daisy)

- Alright thanks.(Draco)

The elf gave me the letter and went off. I sat down in my bed reading it. Once I read it I got dressed to go meet with her. 

~~Draco's outfit~~

~~Draco's outfit~~

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