Part 5

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Hey guys:) I didn't have to write a lot.. but I wrote something for this day.. I'm working on a new story so I'm trying to keep up with this story and my other story. However. Please.Please.Please comment and tell me what you think.. I appreciate all your comments.. Thanks:) 


Let me tell you this, waking up late for school on a day where a test review is assigned doesn’t even dawn on you, when you look in the mirror and see no progress in your purple/bluish bruises forming on your face. 

I sighed, not only that but my eyes were still puffy from crying last night. The sad thing about the cause of my tears weren’t due to Matt’s words  it was because I was still with that jerk. I sighed. 

I tried my best to cover up my bruises and headed to my second class since I missed my morning one. Audrey caught up with me easily and handed me a cappachino. 

“Hey” she replied nicely. I looked at her and groaned. “Oh please don’t give me your pity Audrey” I sighed. She wiped the nice angelic comforting smile off her face. 

Audrey picking me up last night, meant that she knew all about Matt’s new abusive rights now. She begged me over and over outside of the police station to file a report but I told her I didn’t want to deal with now. 

“Fine, but I honestly thought you would be hungry and I told your professor you got into a car accident so the bruises, which I must admit you cover up well will have an excuse” she replied with a small smile. 

I nodded my head. “Thanks” I replied. I took a bite into my grilled cheese. Yah she was right alright, I didn’t technically eat last night. My stomach felt semi full but I knew a good shake would do me good too. 

I sighed, eating the grilled sandwich as we slowly walked to class. “I saw him today” she replied in hatred. I nodded still taking a bite out of my sandwich and pulling away any hair that interrupted me from it. “By him you mean Matt?” I  replied with a sigh. 

“He asked for you, and I told him to fuck off but he did have a cute new friend” she replied. “Oh, must be Aiden, yah he’s the one I told you about the hot one that saved me when Joey went all Psycho” I replied. 

Hey eyes went wide. “You were in the middle of his gorgeousness and the floor, that was him. Tell me not, thaat sounds hot!” she replied with a flattered expression fanning herself. 

I sighed. I couldn’t deny the comfort he made me feel and strength he had when everything went down. 

A smile came to my lips. Was I actually feeling this… was I actually crushing?. Wow, trust me when you stopped actually liking someone after 7 years when this feeling does come to you.. You feel like a little girl again.  You stop feeling numb and theirs that hallelujah singing. 

We walked into class and the news about Joey was the cream topic today. 

Talk about your mood being shot down and being replaced with guiltiness. I can’t believe this crap like seriously this was not what I needed. 

Our professor arrived yet and so just like high school everyone was talking amongst themselves. When I walked through the door it was like everyone was looking at me. I sighed and sat down on the closest seat that I could find. 

Audrey did the same. “News definitely spreads fast” she muttered. I nodded my head and “Tell me about it” I replied. Girls began coming up to me, giving me their sympathy obviously this only brought more light on Matt and he probably was the culprit himself who spread this around. Grreeaaaat. More lies. 

I shook my head after the 6th girl came up to me, telling how lucky I was to be with someone like Matt. I was surprised Stacey wasn’t here to tell me the same thing. I knew for a fact she would have been the first to tell me how ungrateful I was. Ugh. 

“I’m going to go to the bathroom” I muttered to Audrey. She nodded her head. 

“ok” she replied as she pulled out her phone. 

I nodded and pulled my bag over my shoulders. As soon as I hit the garden I was going to text Audrey too collect my hw. I was not going to go back there. 

I sighed and walked into the Metro garden my plan was to just sit by the fountain and just chill until practice started. I pulled out my phone as I walked to the fountains to text Audrey. 

Minutes into and I knew texting and walking was a  bad idea. Walking blindly around my surroundings I felt my foot hit a big rock causing me to stumble forwards. 

“Oh shit” I replied as I knew I would fall head first into the fountain. 

I closed my eyes waiting for the contact. All I heard was my name being yelled and a pair of hands wrapping me around my waist. I opened my eyes to see that I wasn’t in the fountain and neither was phone. 

“Aiden?” I replied. He looked down at me his eyes full of concern. “Are you ok?” he replied. I nodded my head in shock. He was still leaning over me and I became aware of our close proximity. He looked like he wanted to say something and I had the sudden urge to kiss him. 

His hand slowly reached up to my forehead and I could see in his eyes that he probably wanted to do the same thing..or was I seeing things.. I don't know..I know I wanted too. 


Haha, thanks for reading, I'll upload as soon as I can..Sorry its so short I have to go to work tomorrow and I'm already sleeping on this thing lol.. Please COMMENT & VOTE! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE COMMENT & VOTE!!! 

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