Chapter 5

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Hiya it's zanity just saying I hope you have enjoyed the story so far, this story is actually very fun to write ^^ but there will be the slightest amount of mature content in this chapter anyways enjoy the chapter.

Bandit POV

Later that evening me and flare left back to the dorms and he immediately just told me to sit down and don't move too much. I was kinda worried for him that he was worried about me.. as weird as that is. But I understood completely, he sat next to me and pulled me closer to him as he wrapped both of his arms around me. "I promise that I won't let anything happen to you ever again" I smiled lightly "Thanks babe.. I appreciate that" I then wrapped my arms around him as well. We held this position for awhile until he lifted up my shirt, I blushed as I didn't know what was happening. "I j-just wanna see what they did to you.."  I then stopped blushing and he lifted my shirt completely off he unwrapped all of the bandages and looked all over my body, he mainly looked at all the little cuts that I got from falling on the table but his eyes forwarded towards the big stab wound around my stomach area. "I-im sorry that this happened to you" "I'm alright.. you don't gotta worry" I scratched the back of my head nervously.

He cleaned and renewed my bandages then wrapped them up around my wounds. I decided to keep my shirt off after that.. I find it more comfortable. I then let out a sigh then layed down on the couch, me being short there was still some room for flare to continue sitting but instead of him sitting he layed next to me. The couch wasn't too small so this was capable and I enjoyed it. We both layed looking into each other's eyes and I could feel his grip around me loosen as I saw he closed his eyes, he must've relaxed down, I wrapped my arms around him as well later we just stared at each other and I blushed unexpectedly, w-why am I blushing.. I thought to myself, I guess I wanted to do something with him.. NOT ANYTHING LIKE THAT YOU SICKOS, now that that's out I guess he saw me blush because I felt his lips press against mine.. and I recoiled a bit because it was unexpected but I then fell into the kiss.. can I just say, he's a pretty good kisser. I could feel him pull me close to him and I pulled him even closer until our chests were pressed against each other.

Flare POV

I saw him blush a bit so I only thought he wanted to something.. and I guess I was right because we were both kissing with our chests pressed together. I pulled away and did a slight gasp for air, and so did he.. I honestly didn't want it to end.. but you gotta breath air to live, we both smiled awkwardly "heh.. that was uh, something" "y-yeah it was" he chuckled softly. "Well.. would you like to-" I got cut off by him kissing me again, this time it was more deep and passionate.. I blushed and closed my eyes as I was enjoying this.. and so did he. I could feel him go on top of me and I blushed heavily and I felt his lips pull away from mine.. I kinda layed there in shock, I could tell he was in some sort of trance.. but he continued to kiss me it was deep and passionate and I was enjoying my time with him.

Bandit POV

I fell into some sort of love trance.. so I decided to climb on top of him and just continue to kiss him.. it was nice but it felt like I had no control over my body.. once I snapped out of my trance I quickly blushed brightly as I saw I was on top of him.. "S-sorry.. I was just.. into it" I then got off of him and sat down embarrassed "Oh.. ah, it's alright.. I mean I enjoyed it" he sat up and he blushed as well. "Do you wanna watch a movie?" I said while looking at him and stopped blushing "Yeah sure that'll be great, do you wanna go to a drive in, theater or stay here?" "Oh um, let's go to a drive inn" He then grabbed his keys and twirled them around his finger "Well let's go" "hold on lemme grab some blankets that we can cover up with" I then sat up and went to my room grabbing some blankets that were neatly folded. "Alright, let's go" I smiled at him and went to grab the handle "well, are you gonna grab a shirt?" "Oh uh.. I wasn't going to.. that's why I grabbed the blankets" "heh alright" I then opened up the door and started to jog out the dorms and to his car, a little later he arrived and we got in and started to drive off to the drive inn.

Flare POV

I could tell he was excited, for some reason. But he started to do a slight run to my car and we left once I got there. A little later we arrived and I payed for the tickets "You didn't have to pay.. I mean it was my idea to go to the drive inn" "well I thought it was the least I could do because of well, your injuries" I smiled  awkwardly "Flare.. you don't gotta do that.. I'm fine, okay.." "yeah yeah I get it.." We then got out of the car and I heard him wince and fall to his knees, I rushed over to help him up "Thanks" he smile "don't mention it" I smiled at him back.

Bandit POV

I took the blankets from the back seat and layed one on the hood and then I tried to get on it but I didn't succeed so flare helped me up, I thanked him with a kiss on the cheek. He got up on the hood as well and he held me close to him while I covered us up with the other blanket. We looked at the screen as the movie started to play but then someone walked up to us..

Sorry to leave you on a cliffhanger but what will happen next, write in the comments below :3 anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter.. it got a little spicy between Bandit and flare a bit, but there's more to come ^^

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