Chapter 9

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~Authors Note~
Okay, where do I start... Right! Uhhh... My apologies for not updating XD I haven't been motivated to actually writing, as it used to be a coping mechanism for me but nothing has really been down so ye, I kinda just started sleeping on this story lol. But well here we go! This is the start of my redemption getting back into writing! Oh yeah and.. I got a new writing style so ye.. it's kinda like my old one just a bit more advanced :P don't hurt me

Bandit's POV

It was around 6am when I woke up feeling pain flowing throughout my body. I wonder what happened, it could be my bandages need to be changed. So I got up and groaned as I clenched my stomach.. "yep.. definitely need to change the bandages" I thought to myself. As I walked to the bathroom I gave myself a quick look in the mirror. Examining bits of me as a voice appears in my head "you're worthless"
N-no.... Not this again, I just can't seem to get rid of these thoughts!
"He doesn't love you"
Y-yes he does! Shut up! But it didn't go away. It was stuck there as my self confidence dropped... I wondered weather I was good for him... Or if he even loved me.. That's when I heard a knock at the door. Shit... It's him, I can't let him see me like this I thought to myself as the door opened and I just stood there, tears streaming down my face as more blood seeped through the bandages.
"H-hey. What's wrong, what happened bud" Flare said in his oh so calming voice... But it wasn't enough. I broke down in front of him. He lifted my head up and just stared into my eyes. "It's okay.. I'm here for you, you can talk to me" He was there. There for me but I was unable to talk, my jaw was locked up as I kept clenching my stomach he finally noticed and helped me change the bandages out.

20 minutes later

We were both on the couch watching a movie, whilst I was holding onto him as I was scared to let go. He turned to me, looked me with his serious face but also looked at me sympathetic like.

"Do you want to tell me about what happened in the bathroom..."

"I-I'd rather not... But you keep insisting on it... So ye.. I was having a mental breakdown and I had a voice in my head saying that I was worthless..... That you didn't love me and.... And it's all coming back! My past is all coming back to me!"

"I-im sorry... I didn't mean to bring up bad memories.... But no matter what! I will never leave you.. I love you so much bandit. You've made me figure out myself and give me happiness throughout the months we've been together"

He cups my face and looked at me...

"Don't ever say you're worthless.. because you're not. You matter to many people and you have Worth... As a friend, son and a loving boyfriend."

I couldn't do anything but cry into his shoulder, I felt happy again. I was crying tears of joy.
"T-thanks... That means alot Flare" "no problem buddy! Anything for my Wolfy!" "I- so we're getting nicknames now?" "Well... I meeeeeean, maybe! It's cute alright!" He stuck out his tongue at me in a playful manner as we laughed it all off. I can tell that this is Already going to be a great day!

It was around lunchtime as flare decided he wanted to take me somewhere. "Where are we goiiiiing, you know I hate surprises!" "You'll just have to wait and seeeee"

I was a bit anxious, bit I figured I would have some fun with him before he heads off to work. As today is Monday. But when I saw where he was taking me.. my eyes lit up and my jaw dropped "I- YOU TOOK ME TO A FUCKING AMUSEMENT PARK"

"D-do you like it... We've got it to ourselves, or well, mostly to ourselves... I just thought-"

I cut off his words with a quick kiss on the lips "It's perfect. Don't worry.. we're gonna have a blast!"

Soon enough we were both out of the car and rushing through the entrance and began looking around for good rides. Once we spotted the gigantic roller coaster we immediately looked at eachother and said "we're definitely going on that" in unison. Next thing y'know we're both strapped in as we held eachothers hand. I forgot to mention that I have a severe fear of heights! Nononono I don't know if I can do this...... "Calm down... Breath and calm down" I thought to myself as the coaster began going up, and up, and up until it reached it's height and sky rockettes down


all I heard was Flare laughing at my struggle, The fucks so funny! But as the ride stopped I got up and was shaking until I felt flare hug me

"Fear of heights? I'm just assuming because of the way you're acting."

"Uh huh.... Severe, just didn't wanna..... Ruin the mood so.i went on the ride"

"You didn't have to! Nothing would've ruined the mood! Come on. Let's go grab some snacks"

"yeah.. that sounds great"

We both headed off to the places that were around as we ordered some food and sat on a bench and ate. I actually have never been to an amusement park. As weird as that sounds AND I KNOW ALL OF YOU ARE GONNA BE FLAMING ME FOR IT BUT LEAVE ME ALONE >:(

Anywho.. let's get back on topic. After we finished eating it went fairly smooth, we avoided the large rides.. although I was a bit disappointed because it was fun but eh, he's just being protective. And I respect that. Soon enough, our fun had to come to an end as it was time for flare to head off to work. So he dropped me off back at the dorms, and I layed on the couch, and stared into the ceiling. Hmmmmm, might as well get some rest..

Overall, today was a successful day..

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