Chapter 7

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Bandit POV

That lasted for a little while but later on we decided it was best to stop before either of us got in any type of "mood" if you know what I mean.

B: "Since it's still early, how 'bout we go somewhere"

F: "Sounds Great! What do you have in mind?

B: "Weeeeellll, I would suggest my parents house or well, my mom's house.... I lost my dad a year ago, and you really came into my life and pulled me out of my depressive state" I chuckled nervously and got up to change my clothes, I mean.. were boyfriend's so I thought I could change in front of him.. I meeeean I sleep nude anyways, but he doesn't know that, so shush. I grabbed a change of clothes consisting of a red sweater, a black tank top under it and some black shorts.

F: "Nice bum" He laughed and grinned.

B: " Oi, I didn't say you could look at my bum"

F: " I meeeean I do it anyways, you can't stop me from looking at it" He giggled and got up and hugged me from behind. Mind the fact he was still nude, I blushed as I felt his uh.. thing.. rub against me,

B: I uhh.. f-flare you're s-still nude.." Why did I studer?!

F: "Yeah.. and, I mean.. does it make you uncomfortable.. I'll get dressed if it does"

B:" N-no it's fuh-f-fine" Wow.. I don't ever studer this hard..

F: You're studering a bunch.. and You uh, seem a little excited, considering your tail is wagging a bunch and you got a little something going on down there..

B: Ack! What the hell! I blushed even harder and I broke from his grasp and went to the bathroom in embarrassment... What the fuck.. why did I get 'excited'... Ugh.. I fell to the floor with my back pressed against the door

F: I was on the verge of tearing up when he broke from my grasp.. maybe I shouldn't have pointed out that he was 'excited' But.. I just felt like it was the right thing to do... I walked up to the door and put my back against it. "Hey look.. I'm sorry if I made you feel a certain way.. I'll get dressed and then you can come back out... If you want.." I then got up and got dressed and sat down on the bed and held my face in my paws.

B: Ugh.. wait.. I could hear something in his voice.. it sounded kinda sad like.. I hope I didn't make him feel bad about himself.. I opened the door to see him holding his face in his paws, God I'm such an ass.. I didn't mean to make him feel that way I decided to tackle him playfully just hoping it could make him feel better.

F: "What'd you tackle me for" We both laughed and smiled

B: "Well, I didn't want you to be moping all day because of what you did. I was just letting you know I'm all good"

F: "Ah, alright.. again, I'm sorry and I won't get to close like that when I'm nude, until you're comfortable with it.."

B: "Okay!" I hugged him tightly and he hugged me back "Anyways" I said while breaking the hug "Are you ready to head out to my mom's?"

F: "Yep! Let's go, I'm driving" We then both walked out to his car and got in.

B: Wow was this guy clean, there wasn't one speck of dust or dirt anywhere in his car, not gonna lie.. I'm impressed. "Wow you keep your car clean" I said in a susprised like tone.

F: Yeah, it's something I inherited from my father I guess. I gave out a slight chuckled, and 10 minutes later we arrive (he told me the address beforehand)

B: "She's not expecting a visit sooo she might freak out when she sees you.

F: "Heh alright, I'll be wary" We then opened the door.

B: My mom looked at me in confusion as she wasn't expecting us. But then she ran towards me and gave me a huge hug "Hey mom! How have you been"

M: "I've been great sweetie!" She broke the hug and looked directly at Flare. "Now who's this?"

F: "Oh.. I ah.. I'm Bandits Boyfriend" he had a nervous tone and a nervous smile on.

M: "Aw hun you never told me you had a boyfriend!" She then hugged flare and he laughed

F: "heh, it's nice to meet you" he smiled and looked down at my mom, Who was only like 2 inches taller than me and she's like 42.

B: "moooom can you stop hugging my boyfriend" both flare and my mom laughed and she stopped hugging him and I grabbed onto his arm, mine I said in my head

M: "So, why'd you come and visit? It's very rare that I see you around, even since it's a school day"

B: "weeeeell I'm out of school for a couple more days, because I kinda got in a predicament.."

M: "Wait what?! What happe-"

B: I cut her off by taking off my sweater and pulling up my tank top revealing the stitches from my stab wound and little cuts. "This. Is what happened"

M: "How did you ge-"

B: I cut her off again "It's something I don't wanna talk about..... Anywho, how about we all go somewhere, for me and my mom having a family reunion."

F: "Sounds Good, I'm up for it!"

M: "Yeah, it'll be fun!"

B: Great! I'm gonna drive.. and before you ask, yes I have a license, I just don't got a car, now let's get going." I had my mom sit in the back while me and flare took the front seats so we could hold hands, I feel much safer while he's holding me. Around 30 minutes later we arrived at a large mall, I needed some new clothes so I decided to stop here and grab some.

F: "hmm a mall, sounds fun!"
He smiled and leaned over and kissed the side of my muzzle. I could hear a click and a flash from guess who, my mother snapping a picture of him kissing me.

B: " moooom did you really have to take a picture of us" I whined.

M: "Yup, and it's going on PawBook." (rip-off of facebook)

F: "Heh, you're just like my dad, he did the same thing a couple of days ago while we were at a drive in"

M: "Well then, I guess great minds sure do think alike" She laughed slightly and posted the picture and I get a notification from it. That's just my mom, I smiled to myself.

B: "Alright let's go!" I said while getting out of the car and walking into the mall.

-To be continued-
Sorry for the cliffhanger I just needed to get you guys a chapter out, since it's been almost a week, but I hope you did enjoy this chapter, and I hope you do enjoy this story as much as I do :D

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