Chapter 8

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~Authors Note~
Hiya! It's Zanity, sorry for no updates recently, I've been very busy with school and being sick. Those two combos suck.. alot.. anywho, I will try and do a chapter every week to every 2 weeks. I hope you enjoy this new chapter! And just a little side note, some of this was written in class, so please don't flame me for it being a bit sloppy XD

Bandit POV

B: "hmm, what store shall we go to first... Oh! I know, let's go to Furlington. I need some new clothes.

F: "Great! I could use some new clothes as well, and I get to see you in some fancy clothes" he winked at me and I just rolled my eyes, not in a rude way though.

L: (L will be for Lana aka bandits mom, I forgot to mention her name in the last chapter) "You two lovebirds go ahead and do that, I need a new phone so I'm going to the phone store"

B: "Sounds good mom! And also, how about we meet back here in about 1 and a half hours from now"

L: "Okay, I'll make sure to be here!" She walked off into the direction of the phone store leaving us two alone to go into Furlington.

F: "Let's go!" he pulled my arm and rushed me into the clothes store and stopped at some sluty clothes

B: "You don't actually expect me to where an outfit of these... Do you?"

F: "Weeeeell a big party from the roberts is coming up and.. it's kind of this style soooo.. I just thought that you might wanna go to it.... Since I got an invite, and it says you can bring your plus one..."

B: I looked at him in disbelief and said "Yeah sure.. I'll go. Only because I'm doing it for you" We bought me a pair of clothes that fit the theme then we went and bought some casual clothing then left to meet up with my mother.

L: "You guys ready to head out?"

B: "Yup, let's get going" We all walked out to the car and my mom driving this time, while me and Flare sat in the back. I fell asleep laying my head on his lap quite quickly, and I could hear some soft chuckles from him but I then fell into the world known as dreamland.

I was in a blank space. Just me, myself and my thoughts. I saw.. what looked like Flare. but heartbroken and hurting.. There was a rope. It was tied into a noose, I tried to scream but there was a one way glass in front of me.. I could see him, but he couldn't see nor hear me. The rope went around his neck and he climbed up onto a chair and tied it to a hook hanging from the ceiling.. I screamed one last time but before he could do it I had woken up. I was so glad to be waken up.. I honestly don't think I would've been able to watch it

F: "Hey.. are you okay, you were screaming and yelling my name... What did you see in your dream.."

B: "I don't want to talk about it, I just want to be with you" I nuzzled into his chest and started to cry.. and I could feel his arms wrap around me. I don't ever want to see that again.. but what caused me to think about that dream.. what caused him to do that.. There are so many questions, but so little answers. Next thing you know I was getting picked up bridal style and carried away into our dorm.

F: "You don't have to tell me about it if you don't want to... But I do want to know about it soon, but only if you're completely comfortable with it" He layed me down in our bed and he left the room.. he left the room to me and my thoughts.

B: "Why was I not in the dream... Did I die, did I leave him.. did I get kidnapped and he couldn't find me again.." There were much more questions.. that need to be answered.

Flare POV

F: "What was up with that dream he had... He was screaming my name.. was I in it.. did I do something bad in it.. what if my Demon personality got unleashed and it wreaked havoc upon the world..." So many questions but so little answers.. I sighed and decided I would make him dinner! It's the least I could do to hopefully get his mind off of this dream he had. I decided since he loves a good steak I'll make one for him, so I pulled the last two steaks out of the freezer and began to cook. I know you would love to hear about me cooking but let's just get to the good parts, wait.. who am I talking to.. nevermind that. I finished up a fairly romantic setting and went into the bedroom to grab him

B: "I- What is this" I could see him blush and look genuinely happy. I'm glad my plan is working!

F: "Your food awaits my dear" I decided to pick him up bridal style and carry him out to the dinning table then set him in a chair. "Enjoy this dinner, you deserve it" I gave him a quick kiss on the lips and then took my seat next to him as I watched him enjoy his food

B: "Wow! This is really good... But you didn't have to do this for me"

F: "I wanted to do this because I wanted you to know that I love you more than ever.. and that love will last as long as I live" Wow.. I just realized how cheesey I sound.. heh, it made him smile and blush at least. He finished his food and I decided to pick him back up and lay him into the bed and then we stripped down and layed down next to one another.. This is my life and I honestly wouldn't trade it for anything else..

B: "You are my one and only.. and I wouldn't trade you for anything else" He said that and kissed me then nuzzled into my chest as we both fell asleep.

~Authors Note~
Heyo! It's Zanity once again but I just wanted to let you know I'm going through alot and this took 4 while days to write... Yeah.. so please don't flame me if I promise an update and you don't receive one, but I'll see all you fluff's in the next update or chapter!

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