Chapter sixteen, boyfriends

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I woke up the next morning still wrapped up in Noah's arms, I was fine until I realized that our clothes were in the kitchen, okay it can't be that bad, Ian doesn't come over until he calls, Remington said he was staying at his friends place, Sebastian usually stays at Larisa's after date night and Shy doesn't even live here. I untangled myself from Noah's limbs and then stole a pair of his sweat pants in the slight chance there was someone in the hallway in between our rooms.

I slipped out of the room and ran down the stairs, I gathered our clothes and took them back upstairs, throwing mine into my room and Noah's into his. I went back downstairs and decided to make us some pancakes. I got to work on the batter and by the time I got it into the pan Noah was coming down the stairs, fully dressed and it looked like he showered. He sat down at a stool and didn't say anything fir a few minutes.

"You left me" he mumbled, I turned around, spatula still in hand

"No, i mean, kind of, but it was only to clean our stuff up down here and make us food"

Noah was quiet, then a s,île spread onto his face

"You're wearing my pants"

"Oh, sorry, I didn't want to accidentally bump into one of my brothers in the hall whilst being naked, I'll give them back"

"No, keep them, they look good on you, and I hope you do realize that your brothers don't go upstairs at all"

"Yeah, I was being safe"

"Oh alright, those pancakes?"


Noah smiled again and stood up to wrap his arms around me when I turned around, that's when the thought dawned on me.



"We can't be doing this"

"What do you mean?"

"You're dating Ian"

"I'll break up with him tonight, but you have to agree to be my boyfriend"

I flipped the pancakes and took a deep breath.

"Okay, breakup with him first"

"Will do boss"

I finished the pancakes and we sat down to eat them, that's when Remington barged through the front door whooping and hollering. I glanced at Noah as Remington danced into the kitchen with a few people following behind him, he grabbed a pancake off my plate and moved I to the living room, I watched as everyone else followed him and they all sat down on the sofa.

"What's got him so happy?" Noah asked

"I don't know, but he stole my pancake"

Noah laughed and pushed his plate with his last pancake on it towards me

"Here, I ate enough, have it"

"Thanks" I took the pancake and then we retreated upstairs and away from Remington and his rowdy friends.

The day passed slower than I'd wish it would, I had to call Shy and she freaked when I was forced to tell her about last night, but she didn't come over which I was thankful for. I showered and ended up putting Noah's pants back on because they were big on me and the comfiest thing I've ever worn. I drew for the majority of the day and soon enough there was a knock on my door, I opened it to be attacked by Noah's lips, I pushed him away gently and looked at him weirdly.

"Sorry, I'm going out to dinner with Ian right now to break up with him and I needed a good luck kiss"

"Whatever, get going then"

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