Chapter fifteen, The "Date"

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"No, absolutely not"

"Emerson common,"

"No, I'm not going out with him, he has a boyfriend Shy"

"Common, he doesn't think it's a date, I know for a fact that Sebastian and Larisa are going out for date night, Remington is going out to hang out with friends, Ian is at his parents house like every other Friday night for dinner and Trevor and I can just say no, and that Noah has nothing to do, this will work out fine"

"Fine, but if this fails I'm blaming you"

"Wouldn't have it any other way"

"Okay, how am I going to do this?"

"Sebastian is making everyone lunch right now, just casually ask when we go eat, plane and simple"

"Okay, let's go"

       We headed downstairs where everyone including Trevor and Ian were sitting.

"Good, I was about to go get you two, foods done" Sebastian said, we all sat down with our food and Shy elbowed me half way through.

"Uh, do you guys want to go out for dinner? You know, spend some time together for once?" I asked nervously and looked around the table

"Sorry Em, I've got dat night with Larisa, another time" Sebastian spoke up first

"Yeah, I've got plans with some friends" Remington said next, I tried my best to look kind of upset but smiled.

       I turned to the other two couples and asked them.

"We're going to Trevor's parents house tonight, sorry Em" Shy said solemnly

"It's okay, Ian, Noah?"

"I've got dinner with the parents, they were actually asking for you to tag along this time Noah, I mean, we've been together a while now, you should come every week" Ian responded and grinned slightly evilly at me

"Sorry Ian, I already promised Emerson I'd spend some time with him tonight, next week"

"You said that last week"

"Yeah, and I made plans when I forgot Okay your parents can wait, they've met me, they've known me for years Ian, I'm hanging out with my friend tonight, he's more important"


We finished our lunch and everyone went their own ways, Shy and Trevor followed me to my room and I didn't even let them sit down before speaking.

"Before you even think of it, I'm dressing myself for tonight, not you two"

"But-" Shy started but I cut her off

"Shush thing one"

"Thing one? Ha" Trevor said and I turned to him

"You too thing two, now shoo, go home"


"I'll call you tonight, or I won't, you'll see"

"Fine, talk to you later, have fun Em"

The two of them left and I had the time to myself, now to get dressed, pick a place and do whatever until five. I got dressed into my unusual get up and then sat down at my desk, after thinking fir nearly half an hour I chose the Olive Garden then pulled out my drawing stuff. Four hours to kill.

You know me too well, you're right, I did spend those four hours drawing. I got up as soon as the clock hit five and went to Noah's room, I knocked and he answered a few seconds later telling me to come in. He was laying on his bed, in only sweat pants and was on his phone.

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