Chapter twenty eight, Everybody Is Growing Up

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       I woke up around ten the next morning and the first thing I did was shower, after showering I found the art print I promised Cheryl and signed it, I flipped it over and started writing a note.

Dear Cheryl's niece,

I don't know your name but I do know that you must be a great person from how your aunt looks while talking about you, I wanted to thank you, for being interested in my art, it means to world to me. This is a gift to you, I feel a like giving this weekend, you see, it's my husband and I's third wedding anniversary and I am missing our daughter very much after only a day, We left her with her grandmother and godparents so we could go out and now, I want to make a little girl happy, even if you're not so little anymore. It is an honour to be giving this to you, even though not in person, and I hope to one day meet you.

Emerson Barrett

      I lifted to print from the table and looked st the clock, quarter to twelve. Noah was stirring in bed and I smiled at him when he opened his eyes.

"You're always up so damn early" he grumbled

"It's become a routine"

"You're messed, where're you off to?"

"I promised Cheryl an art print for her niece so I'm just giving it to her"

"Okay, get food on your way back"

       I laughed and left, grabbing my wallet on my way out, I took the elevator down and Cheryl was in the lobby talking to someone when I got down, she turned to me and smiled when she spotted me.

"Good morning Cheryl" I greeted her as she hugged me

"Good morning Emerson, how was your sleep?"

"The best I've had in months" I sighed

"Baby's can be difficult but it all pays off in the end"

"They can be, but I wouldn't change a thing"

"Awe, you're not like most dad's"

"I'm not like most people, I just love my little family, my brothers, daughter, husband, niece, speaking of, here's the print for your niece, signed and I wrote a little note on the back for her"

"She'll love it, thank you"

"You're welcome, now I should get going, my husband wants food and he gets cranky without any"

"You run along then, I'm sure I'll see you again before the weekends over"

"Good day" I joked and tilted my hat, Cheryl laughed and I left in search of food.

       I found a little cafe on the ground floor of the hotel and grabbed some food before going upstairs to find Noah still in bed.

"Rise And shine sleepy head, we don't have all day" I sang and placed the food on the tea table

"I just want to stay here forever, this bed is so much comfier than ours" Noah groaned as he stretched his arms

"Nope, we've got to be leaving in a few hours, what do you say, we eat and then go for a swim in the pool downstairs"

"I'd say that's a great plan"

       Noah rolled out of bed and sat down with me to eat before we brushed our teeth, changed and headed downstairs to the pool, there were quite a few people there, most of them in the hot tub or sitting in the chairs along the walls. Noah and I went into the pool and swam around for a bit, I glanced at the clock an hour later then went back to swimming.

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