Chapter twenty three, baby shower

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"You didn't have to organize all this" I said as Nat dragged Noah and I into my moms house.

"Yes I did, you guys are going to need a lot of stuff for this little one"

"We know that, and we're able to get it"

"Look, I'm a bit ready to pop this sucker out within the next few weeks and all you have is some furniture for their room"

"Fine" I grumbled making Noah laughed

       There were three chairs set out at one wall of moms living room, gifts surrounded them, people, whom I knew, stood and sat around the room. When Nat announced that we showed up everyone came one by one to greet and congratulate us, again. There were some stupid party games, one of them was a card that everyone, including the three of us, had to fill out. We had to put what gender we thought they were going to be, when they were going to be born, eye colour, hair colour, if they will have hair when they're born, Stuff like that. Eventually we all ate, there was this really cool three thing that people would use an ink pad to put their thumb print on it then write their name on their thumb print, for example Remington would put "Uncle Rem".

       Finally presents were starting to get opened, Nat got a few cans of belly cream that will help with pregnancy stretch marks. We got a diaper genie, lots of diapers, cute little outfits and pyjamas, Teddy's, blankets, a crib set, bottles, a few containers of baby formula, a baby bullet (used to make baby food), toys, bath toys, a bath seat, a little baby bath tub, a bath mat, there was numerous other things and we were grateful for it all, mom wrote down who got what for us and said she'd write the thank you letters because we didn't ask for a baby shower.

       The whole day was so much fun, Nat had her best friend who's also a photographer taking pictures for us. By the end of the day a lot of my family and friends had left, all that was left was Remington, his girlfriend, Sebastian, Larisa and their little girl with Mishka, Shy, Trevor, Nat, Jamie, Mom, Noah and me.

"Ah, I'm going to be a grandma again in a few weeks" Mom sighed happily

"And were going to be dad's" Noah kissed my forehead, I leaned into his side.

"You never told me what you want" I mentioned and everyone looked to him

"I want a girl, I really want a daughter" he smiled sheepishly

"I do too" I kissed him

"Just putting this out there, but I want a grandson" Mom laughed

       The room got quiet and Sebastian and Larisa started smiling sheepishly, which got everyone attention. I raised an eyebrow at them.

"There's a chance you might" Larisa said smiling

"Yeah, Emerson's baby" mom grinned

"That's not what I meant Stephanie

      Mom froze and the smile left her lips for a moment

"You're?-" she cut off and starred

"Pregnant" Larisa finished for her with a nod

       The squealing that erupted in the room deafened me, Sebastian's hand went to Larisa stomach and the other was wrapped around his daughter.

"How long?" Mom asked when she calmed down a bit "A month?" She added

       Larisa's response was to lift her hand with three fingers up and wiggle them.

"I started showing about a month ago so we thought we should say something soon but we got busy setting today up for Emerson and Noah"

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