True Love's Kiss

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Summary: When Emma dies during the Final Battle, Killian is heartbroken and depressed. And when the day of her funeral approaches, he is even more broken. What will happen? 

Killian watched on as his wife fought Gideon. His heart was pounding and it was slowly filling with dread. He couldn't believe this was happening. He always knew it would happen due to Emma's visions. But part of him still had hope. Hope that her vision wasn't actually a vision and what was taking place in front of him would never happen. But it was and he had to deal with that. So yeah, he was filled with complete and utter dread because so far everything in Emma's vision was coming true. And at the end of her vision, she always died. The thought of his wife dying plagued him. They had just been reunited and they couldn't be ripped apart again, could they? Heroes were always supposed to win, right? But he wasn't always a hero, he was once a villain and one of the worst ones out there. And villains don't get happy endings and Emma was definitely his. 

This couldn't be the end of their epic love story. They had come so far and fought so hard. They weren't a predestined love story but what they shared was so...special and amazing. It couldn't end like this. They were supposed to grow old together and their love story was supposed to last for a thousand years and more. He didn't want it to end. His mind flashed back to their wedding- the happiest day of his life. This was supposed to be their happy beginning. A fresh start for both of them. But now that happiness and the life they had created together was being threatened. And that destroyed him. Come on Swan, you can do this. You're so strong. You can do anything. He kept replaying that thought, trying to keep the bad ones at bay. But he failed and they crashed into a mind like a tsunami. Images of Emma's lifeless, limp body flashed into his head and he imagined what he'd do if she did die. 

To be honest, he had no idea what he'd do if she died. She was his whole world. He wouldn't know what to do without her. He wouldn't know how to carry on. He'd be broken and an empty husk of what he used to be. These thoughts were like a bullet to his heart and he didn't want to entertain them anymore. He had to remain strong. He had to believe that she would survive. He had to have hope. But it was really hard to have hope when your wife is battling the son of the Dark One who was commanded to kill her by the evilest entity to ever exist who just so happened to be the mother of the Dark One. God, he was tired. Tired of fighting. Tired of there always being a crisis. Was it really too much to ask for one normal day in Storybrooke? Yep, it probably was. As he was staring at the fight happening in front of him, his eyes met Emma's.

 All he wanted was to have her in his arms again. That's where she belonged. Emma gave him a small, sad smile before throwing her sword onto the ground. His stomach twisted and his heart began to break in two. No, this couldn't be happening. It shouldn't be happening. But it was. Emma was going to die. His wife was going to die. His true love was going to die. He already knew what was coming but that didn't make it any easier. Everything that happened next seemed to go in slow motion. Their eyes connected for the last time. Gideon plunged his sword into Emma's body. Killian saw the life drain out of her eyes. Their was a bright flash and Emma fell to the floor. 

"NO!" he screamed. He ran towards and collapsed on the floor next to her, cupping the side of her beautiful face. He wasn't just tired anymore. He was completely exhausted. He didn't have the energy to go on. He couldn't go on without her. It felt like every part of him was dying and shutting down. Pain seeped into his heart as tears trickled down his face. He just couldn't believe this was happening. It didn't seem real. It felt like a dream. No, not a dream, a nightmare. The worst nightmare he ever had. Part of him is still hoping that he'll wake up with Emma still in his arms and then he'll be able to kiss her and tell her how much he loves her. But it wasn't a nightmare. This was reality. Emma Swan was dead and there's nothing Killian could do to change that. All he wanted to do was scream and shout and throw things. And most of all he wanted to kill Gideon but he had disappeared and he knew deep down that Emma wouldn't want him too. He filled with regret as he realised that he could've done something to prevent this from happening. 

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