No Secrets Part Two

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Sighing, Emma walked back into her house. She had a splitting headache and it felt like her heart had been crushed into dust. She had been so happy this morning and now it was like her whole world was falling down. Killian, her pirate, her true love, her fiancee killed her grandfather. Emma could tell that he felt so awful and guilty. The way he looked this morning was horrible. It destroyed Emma. Killian needed her support. He needed her forgiveness. And she didn't give it. She shouted at him and ran away. He probably thinks that she hates him. And Emma doesn't hate him. She loves him. Because what he did was a long time ago, when he was a very different man. And Killian had changed. He was a better man and a hero. He changed for Emma. And she acted like she didn't care about any of it. She felt terrible about it. 

Looking about their house, she cringed and mentally cursed herself. Killian wasn't the bad person or the villain in this situation. Emma was. Things had been thrown across the room and smashed. Her heart weakened as she thought about how much pain Killian must be in. He probably thought he had lost Emma forever. She would've been so broken and depressed if she was in his position. God, she was such a dreadful person. And she needed to apologise. 

"Killian? We need to talk." she shouted out, desperate to see his good-looking face. There was no response. Had he left? Probably. But she still checked through the house, finishing with their room. And Killian was there. He was laid across the build, clutching his rum flask and looking shockingly bad. Emma sighed as tears sprung to her eyes. She flopped down on the bed and stoked his hair out of his face. 

She took the rum flask from his hand and placed a soft kiss on his cheek. Exhausted and upset, Emma laid down next to Killian, snuggling into his comforting arms. She always felt very safe, peaceful and content in his arms. 

"I love you Killian. And I forgive you for everything you've done. I am so sorry for overreacting." she whispered softly, stroking the side of his face. She softly pressed her lips against his. Killian started to stir and doubled back when he saw Emma lying in his arms. Why was she here? He didn't deserve her. But this was her home, which meant he needed to leave. Carefully, he untangled himself from her and headed for the door. He needed to leave. 

"Killian? Where are you going? We need to talk." Emma said. 

"I'm leaving. I'll come back for my stuff later. I understand that you don't want to be with me anymore. I'll just move back on my ship. It's fine. We don't need to talk." he said, trying to sound normal but failing. His voice was laced with pain and sadness. 

"Killian, stop. I don't want you to move out. And I don't want us to end. Let me talk." Killian turned back round and stared at the woman who had stolen his heart. He didn't understand. Was she not angry with him? 

"Killian, I' sorry. I stormed out and ran off when you needed me. You needed my love and my support and I didn't give you that. And it wasn't fair. I feel so awful. I really don't know how I can make it up to you." she apologised. Killian gawped at her, feeling completely confused. Emma frowned and her heart dropped into her stomach. He was obviously still angry at her. She had never felt so horrible and cruel. 

"It's fine if you don't forgive you. I just want to say that I love you and I'm sorry for everything." she whispered, trying really hard not to cry. 

"Why are you apologising I'm the one who's ruined everything? I killed your Grandfather!" Killian exclaimed sadly, still very angry at himself. Emma smiled softly and placed a hand on his arm, squeezing it. 

"I don't care. Killian, that doesn't matter and I completely forgive you. You were a very different person when you did it. You had a broken heart and had had experienced so much loss and pain. But now you've changed. You changed for me. And I will never forget that. You've grown and you've proved that your a hero. Everyone can see that. The fact that you told me about this shows how much you've changed. You didn't have to tell me, you could've kept it a secret. And I'm sorry for not realising that at first." Emma apologised. Killian was filled with a new hope and so much love for his beautiful fiancee. 

Grabbing her waist, he pulled her in for a passionate, loving kiss. He didn't know what to say and he just couldn't control himself. He missed her so much today and the thought that they were over destroyed him. 

"I love you, Emma Swan. I love you, I love you, I love you. You are the most amazing women. The one of my dreams. You don't need to apologise. I am so lucky and I don't deserve you." Killian exclaimed. 

"Shh, you're hero. We deserve each other because we love each other. And we have true love. We're meant to be together. This whole day I spent away from you was so painful and I don't want to spend another minute apart, which is why I want to marry you. I thought it was the end for us and that was the most awful, horrible, terrible thought." Emma informed him sadly. Killian pulled his fiancee into a tight, loving hug. 

"I felt the exact same way." he whispered softly. 

Emma chuckled. "So we both spent the whole afternoon feeling guilty and horrendous." she asked. "I guess so." Emma gave him a quick peck on the lips. 

"That sounds like us." Grabbing his hand, she pulled Killian back onto the bed. 

"We're going to be okay Killian. It's going to be okay. We're going to get through this together. I know it's going to be hard but we will see the other side. Because I've seen that you've changed and everyone else will too. And I know it will be hard with my Dad. But I am going to be there for you and I am going to support you and love you no matter what." Killian broke into a massive smile. 

"I don't know what I'd do without you." he exclaimed. Emma giggled, kissing him and pulling him on top of her. And even though this is the end of the story, they made it and were okay. It was hard and took work and time but they got through. And that meant that their wedding was even more amazing. They both shared so much love for so many years. It was an epic story. Because Emma was right, they were okay and it was okay. 

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