Truth Or Dare

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Summary: An AU taking place during high school where David throws a party and late into the evening,  a game of truth and dare starts. This leads to a lot of secrets being spilled and lots of things changing in the span of one night.

Killian took a sip of his drink and stared at the woman who had been occupying his thoughts for the last few weeks. Emma Swan. She was the most beautiful woman he'd ever laid eyes on with her flowing, golden locks, like the colour of the sun and her forest-green eyes that were filled with so much life and emotion. So incredible. But he hadn't worked up enough courage to go talk to her so he just stared from afar. It was better this way. Even if he did tell her how he felt, she'd probably reject him. Emma was way out of his league. How could someone that amazing ever love him? 

"Killian!" It was David, the person who was hosting this party. 

"Me and some others are going to play truth and dare. Do you want to join in?" he asked. 

"Sure. Sounds fun." Killian replied. David nodded and led Killian to the others. 

"This is Regina, Robin, Belle, Rumple, Mary-Margaret and last but not least, Emma." His sea-blue eyes met Emma's forest-green eyes and he smiled nervously. His heart was beating at an incredible rate and his stomach was doing back flips. Why did she make him feel this way? And the feelings weren't one sided. Emma stared at this man in front of her with her mouth slightly agape. He was so......handsome....with his eyes that reminded her of the sea and dark brown hair that seemed to fall perfectly. She was taken away by him and her heat was also beating incredibly fast. Emma mentally cursed herself. She had promised than she would never fall in love again. Not after.....him. Love was just too painful. 

"Hi." Killian said nervously, still staring at Emma. "Hey." she said back. 

"Okay! Let's get started!" David exclaimed, sitting down. 

"Killian, truth or dare?" Killian sighed and scratched the back of his neck, taking a seat next to Emma. Being so close to her made him feel so good. 

"Truth." He always felt like truth is the safer option. "Tell us your deepest, darkest secret." David said. He glanced back at Emma. She of course was his deepest secret. The fact that he was in love with her but had only ever said one word to here. God, he felt crazy.   

"I'm in love wish someone who I'm pretty sure doesn't even know I exist." he told the group. Emma stiffened and frowned. She didn't understand why she cared so much. So what if this guy was in love with someone? What does it matter? But it did matter to her, even if she didn't know why. 

"Mary-Margaret, truth or dare?" Emma asked. "Hmmm, dare." she responded. Emma smirked and laughed softly as she thought of a good dare. 

"I dare you to say something mean to everyone." Mary-Margaret was probably the nicest person you'll ever meet and she hated saying anything mean to everyone. 

"Ugh! Do I have to?" Mary-Margaret complained. 

"If you don't, you are out of the game." Emma said. Killian raised his eyebrows in surprise. He didn't realise Emma had a mean streak. Not that it was a bad thing, he liked it. 

"Fine." Mary-Margaret said, standing up to get a drink. 

"David, truth or dare?" Regina asked. "Truth." 

"If you had to kill one of us, who would it be?" Regina asked. 

"I'm not answering that. I'm going to go spend time with my girlfriend." David said, getting up and kissing Mary-Margaret. Killian sighed. He was desperate to kiss Emma but knew that if he did, he'd probably end up getting punched in the face. But Emma felt the same way too. She hadn't felt this way since....him. And that was a stark reminder of what falling in love led to. She didn't even know Killian that well. But this game could be a good chance to get to know him. Emma was about to ask Killian a question but Rumple got there first. 

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