Her Walls (Part Two)

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"So, where are we going exactly?" Emma asked. She was curious to see where Killian would lead her. Something had changed since talking to Hope. She wanted to learn more about her and Killian and well, more of her wanted to open up to him. 

"Where we went on our first date." Killian led her to a nice Italian restaurant. 

"You had that same expression during our date." Killian told her. 

"It's lovely, Killian." His smile grew a little. There was something he was desperate to do. But he wasn't sure if Emma would allow it. His hand slipped into hers and their finger intertwined. But she didn't pull away. Emma softly squeezed his hand instead. "Do you remember anything?"

"I'm sorry, no." He sighed once more. "It's okay. It'll probably take time. There are more places to go anyway. Come on." 

"Killian, you know this might not work, right?" she says. He stiffens and grits his teeth.

"It will work. It has to." Killian said determinedly. Emma frowned. She wasn't so sure. And she knew that Killian would end up disappointed. She didn't want that for him. Emma had already hurt him too much. This had been really hard on him after all. Emma knew that false hope was one of the worst things the world could offer. She didn't want to try. What was the point? She was 99 percent sure it wouldn't work. But what if it did? She could be happy again with a family and with love. So, they went to other places. The docks, the sheriff station, a cabin in the woods, Granny's, outside Granny's, in her parents apartment, where she first said she loved him, in the forest, where she had to kill him, the graveyard where they reunited, where she asked him to move in with her, where he proposed both times, where she told him she was pregnant both times, where Liam and Hope were born and many more.

They went to any place that had any significance to their story. But nothing worked. Nothing happened. She didn't remember anything. And Killian was slowly losing hope and getting more and more annoyed and upset. 

"I'm sorry that I haven't remembered anything so far." she apologised, feeling very guilty and angry with herself. 

"It's okay, Love. We have one more place to go anyway. And this is the most important place." he told her. She frowned. What could be more important than the place where their children were born? 

"Where?" she asked. 

"Where we got married." 

He led her to a large roof and she couldn't help but smile. This was were they got married and it was beautiful. You could see the whole town from up here. "We got married on a roof?" she asked, laughing slightly. 

"Yeah." he said, grabbing her hand once more. 

"This is where the aisle was and everyone sat around it. And there here at the front was where we exchanged vows and became husband and wife." He grinned slightly and then his face fell. Pain erupted in his eyes and he stared at the town. Emma placed her other hand on his arm. "Hey, what's the matter?" she asked, concerned.

"I'm just thinking. That day was so amazing and perfect. And you looked exquisite. We had the rest of our lives together. And when you said I do and put the ring on my finger, I was filled with such happiness. Best day of my life." he said softly and sadly. He looked back at her and squeezed her hand. 

"And you're still beautiful today." Emma blushed and gave him a small smile. 

"I bet it was incredible." she said. 

"Yeah, it was." Emma stared at the platform. Maybe. Could it work? Taking a deep breath, she carefully stepped onto the platform, expecting something to happen. And..............nothing. Nothing happened. 

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