Not Just A One Time Thing

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Summary: What would happen if Emma didn't say that it was a one time thing after their first kiss in Neverland? This chapter will show the start of their relationship and how Emma deals with a lovesick pirate when trying to find her son.

The two separated from their passionate kiss and Killian smirked slightly. God, that kiss was everything he thought it would be. Amazing, fierce and full of love and chemistry. As Emma's lips pressed against Killian's, sparks flew and both were so happy that they finally got to kiss the other. Even though she didn't want to admit him, Emma had been desperate to kiss him ever since he helped with her cut on the top of the beanstalk. He really was a gentleman. And a gentleman that she had very strong feelings for. 

"That was..." Killian exclaimed softly. Part of Emma wanted to keep pushing him away. She was scared to open up to love and scared to let her walls down. What if she get hurt? Plus, she shouldn't be focusing on some guy. She should be focused on saving her son. But she couldn't push him away anymore. She wanted that pirate so desperately. 

"I know." she said, placing her hands on his chest. Killian raised one of his eyebrows and gave her a goofy grin. "Idiot." Emma muttered, rolling her eyes. He pretended to be hurt and shocked. "I guess I'll go then." he said. 

"No!" she exclaimed, grabbing his arm. She pulled him close to her and he raised his eyebrow once more. 

"You may be an idiot but you're my idiot. And right now I want you." she told him, grabbing his hand and intertwining their fingers. 

"Well if the lady wants me, then you shall have me. And trust me when I say that I want you too." he exclaimed, pushing Emma against his tree. 

Their lips touched once more and this one was just as passionate and loving as the first. Killian's arms snaked around Emma's waist and she threw her arms around his neck. They separated and then Emma smiled softly. She was happy that she finally got to do this. Killian smirked before attacking her neck with kisses. Emma giggled before dragging her hand down his body from his chest to thigh. Killian ran his tongue along his lips and Emma responded by giving him a quick peck on his lips. She squeezed his hand before turning around and starting to walk away. 

"Swan! You're such a tease!" he exclaimed, running to catch up with her. She smirked before grabbing his hand. They headed back to find the others and Emma pulled away from him. Killian frowned. Was she having second thought about them being together? After kissing her, he didn't think he could go back to not being anything anymore. Now that their lips had touched once, all he wanted was to kiss her again. 

"What's the matter?" he asked anxiously. 

"I want to be with you, Hook and I do like you but I need to focus on saving Henry. Right now, I don't have time for guys." she explained. 

"Don't worry, I understand. You want to save your boy. But when you've succeeded, and you will succeed, I intend to kiss the living daylights out of you." he said.

"You'll really wait for me?" she asked, her eye widening. He smiled softly and nodded. 

"I'd wait a thousand years for you, Swan." Their lips touched once more but this time it was a lot softer. A lot more gentle but it was just as incredible for the both of them. 

"And if we can keep this a secret just till we save Henry, that would also be highly appreciated." she said. 

"Of course. Anything for the lady."  Emma gave him a small smile and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. They walked the rest of the way in silence. But that didn't matter. It wasn't awkward though. The atmosphere was full of love and they didn't need to say anything. They both understand how the other felt. They stole secretive glances at each other because well, they couldn't keep their eyes off each other. Not even for one minute. Killian had never felt as happy as he did right now. This is everything he had been dreaming of since Emma first bested him back in the Enchanted Forest. When he first realised how strong and fierce she was. She had blown him away and immediately fallen for her. He just couldn't believe that she was finally his. And as for Emma, well, she had never felt this way before. She thought that she would've felt terrified but she didn't. She was just happy that she had finally opened herself up to him. She was glad that she had let Hook in. 

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