Character Info

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Name - (Y/N) Kise 

 (N/N) - nickname

Height - 5'6

Age - 16

Birthday : June 18th 

 Sign - Gemini 

 Blood type - A

Year - Year 1 Class 3 in Karasuno 

Family - Kise Ryouta (older twin brother) Calls him Ryo

Skills - Like her brother she has a copycat skill, but her ability is stronger

Skill Drawback - Like the rest of the GOM her body isn't fully developed so if she overuses her ability her eyesight gets blurry and cloudy. Her vision always goes back to normal the next day, but if she constantly uses it without break then her eyesight will decrease slowly to the point where she can go blind. Since she has low stamina her limit is shorter compared to Ryouta's.

Health problems - Has CIP (cant feel pain)

Appearance : Blond hair, golden eyes, matching piercing with Ryouta on her right ear

Relationship/Crush - None (for now wink wink)

Stats : Jump ⅘ Speed ⅘ Stamina : ⅗ Cooperation ⅘ Technique 5/5 

Extra Facts About You:

-Like sweets

-You are very critical when it comes to sports and players

-People call you 'evil' when you give them strategizes during games since your plans always demoralize the other team and make them think that they are weak

-You respect Akashi Seijuro since he is the only one who can beat you in sports and in everything else which makes you sometimes think about him and you compare your decisions based on what he would do or think

-Always buy Basketball Monthly just to see her GOM friends in the magazine

-Hates formalities so she tells everyone to call her by her first name only

-Calls everyone by their first names except for teachers and older woman/men

-Only adds formalities to teachers, parents, and older people

-You only use nicknames with people if you think their name is too long or annoying to say

-You are pretty popular with your peers because of your chill personality 

-Can drive a motorcycle

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