Better Than Revenge

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Andrea: Nobody likes Andrea! 15:43 

Gracie: hahaha. Derrick does... 15:43 

Andrea blushes "I know.." 15:44 

Gracie pokes Andrea's side repeatedly. :D 15:45 

Gracie: Anrick. One of the best ships in the Panem seas. 15:46 

Andrea pushes Gracie's hand away and sits on the couch 15:46 

Gracie sits next to her and scoots close. "So, how'd you finally come to that conclusion?" 15:48 

Andrea crosses her arms "What?" 15:49 

Gracie: To the conclusion that Derrick likes you like I've been telling you all along he might. 15:50 

Andrea grits her teeth "Talia and Chris locked us in those underground caves..." 15:50 

Gracie raises an eyebrow. "Really?! Why?" 15:51 

Andrea: She was mad cuz I ate her Oreos 15:51 

Gracie sits there jawdropped. "Locking you up for that was definitely a little extreme on her part." 15:53 

Andrea: Tell me about it. There was a mutt too and Derrick got bit. I almost killed talia when they let us out of the cave 15:54 

Gracie: Holy shit. Is Derrick okay? 15:55 

Gracie touches the scars on her face, thinking back to when she was attacked. 15:55 

Andrea: I think he'll be alright.. I hope he is. 15:56 

Gracie: Hmm. I should make him cookies. 15:58 

Gracie doesn't know why she always feels the need to make people cookies when they're hurt or upset... 15:59 

Brendan joined the chat 15:59 

Andrea: Oooh cookies! You should make me cookies! 15:59 

Gracie giggles. 16:00 

Derrick joined the chat 16:00 

Brendan walks downstairs with Derrick, laughing. 16:00 

Brendan: I wish I could have seen his face. Was it turning blue? 16:01 

Derrick: I don't know. I was behind him while I strangled him the second time, remember? The first time, I couldn't get my hands tight enough around his neck. 16:01 

Derrick walks into the living room and sees Andrea. 16:02 

Andrea glances at Brendan and Derrick 16:02 

Brendan grins at Gracie and flops down on the couch next to her. "Gracie, you won't believe what this lucky bastard got to do to Chris last night!" 16:03 

Derrick winks at Andrea and sits next to her. 16:03 

Gracie: ... What did you do, Derrick? 16:04 

Brendan: He got to strangle Chris! Granted, he crushed afterwards, but still! I bet if the two of us tried to take Chris, we could. 16:04 

Andrea bites her lip 16:05 

Derrick frowns because he doesn't like Brendan answering for him. 16:05 

Gracie palmfaces. "Brendan, don't start trouble. I'll talk to Chris about what happened. Maybe we can figure something out and get Talia to leave Andrea alone." 16:05 

Andrea laughs "Like I care what she does to me" 16:06 

Derrick puts his hand on his shoulder and rolls it back because it's getting stiff, wincing as he does so. "You may not, but I do..." 16:07 

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