Allison's Peacekeeper Father

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Brendan walks in the woods with Gracie. 21:35 

Lilly is flying as a hawk 21:35 

Talia skips through the woods with her pack on 21:36 

Gracie: I just don't think you should do it, Brendan! Seriously, that's a mean joke... 21:36 

Lilly spots Talia and dives Dec 1 

Brendan: But it would be SO funny. Come on! Super gluing a frying pan to his leg hair while he's asleep and ripping it off would be HILARIOUS! 21:36 

Lilly lands on Talia's pack as a little sparrow 21:36 

Gracie suppresses a giggle. "Just don't, Brendan." 21:37 

Brendan rolls his eyes. "You never let me have my fun..." 21:37 

Talia jumps and looks at the bird on pack "Lilly?" 21:37 

Lilly: Yes? Dec 1 

Brendan thinks he sees Allie up ahead. 21:38 

Talia: What's up? 21:38 

Lilly: Not much. I was just flying around 21:39 

Brendan: Hey, I think I see Allie over there. 21:40 

Gracie: Who? 21:40 

Brendan: Allison. The new girl? The one that likes to paint? 21:40 

Gracie: Oh, right. I don't know her too well. 21:40 

Talia: See anything interesting? 21:40 

Lilly switches to a red-tailed hawk 21:40 

Brendan walks over to her quietly. 21:40 

Lilly: Not much. I thought I saw some of the others from the mansion in the woods, but I don't remember who they are 21:41 

Allison is still asleep 21:41 

Talia: Oh where? 21:41 

Lilly: Up ahead a ways. 21:41 

Talia: Okay let's go! 21:42 

Talia skips ahead 21:42 

Lilly: Okay! 21:42 

Brendan kneels down by Allie and shakes her shoulder gently. "Hey, Allie. Wake up." 21:42 

Lilly jumps off Talia's pack and lands as a puma and follows Talia 21:43 

Gracie goes over and stands beside Brendan. 21:43 

Allison wakes up panicking and tightly grips Breandan's arm diggin in her nails. 21:43 

Allison quickly realeases her grip once she notices who it is. 21:44 

Lilly flicks her ears around 21:44 

Lilly: They're just up ahead. You should be able to hear them soon 21:44 

Talia: Okay! 21:44 

Talia hums 21:45 

Lilly switches to a goldfinch and lands on Talia's shoulder 21:45 

Brendan smiles a little. "Hey, Allie. Are you okay?" 21:45 

Allison covers her mouth. 21:47 

Talia sees some people up ahead and walks up to them "Oh hey guys!" 21:47 

Allison shakes her hand blushing "Oh my god...I'm so sorry..." 21:47 

Lilly digs her littls bird claws into Talia's shoulder so she doesn't fall off 21:47 

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