Confiding in People

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Andrea walks towards the mansion 20:40 

Derrick takes off his shirt and bandages his arms with it. 20:41 

Andrea is shaking and keeps wiping off blood with end of her shirt 20:42 

Derrick awkwardly glances at Andrea, not knowing what to do or say to make everything better. 20:45 

Zoe swings her feet in her chair, watching over Jo because she's scared Jo will die if she doesn't stay to look over her. 20:46 

Andrea stares at the ground and gives up trying to stop all her cuts from bleeding for now 20:47 

Derrick tears off some of his shirt and takes Andrea's arm, bandaging one of the cuts up. 20:48 

Brendan walks farther ahead of them, wondering just how far they are from the mansion anyway and wondering were exactly Zoe is with Jo. 20:48 

Andrea stares at Derrick and mumbles "Thanks for cutting me out of the net.." 20:49 

Jo starts shaking 20:49 

Derrick shrugs. "Well, what was I supposed to do? Let them take you away? I would have missed you. More importantly, so would the train." 20:50 

Derrick smiles at her and winks. 20:50 

Zoe gasps and sits up straight. 20:51 

Andrea shakes her head and half smiles "I woulda missed the train too." 20:51 

Derrick laughs. "But not me?" 20:51 

Andrea acts like she is thinking really hard "Maybe..." 20:52 

Zoe: Jo! Jo, I, uh, what do I do? Oh my gosh. Jo! Quit that! 20:52 

Jo: (Lol) 20:52 

Zoe: ( thought that would be kind of a funny response.) 20:53 

Andrea glances at a big gash on her leg and chews on her lip 20:53 

Derrick: Want to stop and let me wrap that up for you? Brendan can go ahead of us. He can check on Jo. 20:54 

Zoe flails her arms around and panics, looking all around the basement, trying to figure out what to do. 20:54 

Andrea: No, I want to check on Jo... and it might need stitches anyways so there's no point in wrapping it.. 20:55 

Derrick shrugs. "If you say so. Just don't faint on me. It looks like you're loosing a lot of blood." 20:55 

Brendan sees the mansion up ahead and starts jogging towards it. "Hurry up, guys! We're almost there!" 20:56 

Andrea bites her lip "I'll be fine.." 20:56 

Zoe screams, "AH! I don't know what to do! Jo, don't die please!" 20:57 

Andrea hears Brendan and walks a little faster, but not by much 20:57 

Derrick goes at the same pace as Andrea and thinks about offering to carry her, but isn't sure about it. 20:57 

Brendan gets to the front door and opens it. "Zoe?! Are you around here?!" 20:58 

Zoe looks up at the ceiling when she hears Brendan. "DOWN HERE! HELP! PLEASE!" 20:59 

Andrea looks at her hands and they are starting to get pale 20:59 

Derrick notices Andrea's hands too and decides not to even ask. He scoops her in his arms and jogs with her to the house. 21:01 

Brendan runs to the basement door and down the steps. 21:01 

Zoe is crying and yells, "I don't know what to do! She won't stop shaking!" 21:02 

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