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Annaaaaaa: Ooo! Okay! asdfghjkl;' < my new word 23:24 

Brendan smiles, deciding that he's going to make a little ballerina with an ice-cream cone in her hand for her. 23:25 

Anna sits down remembering how she used to dance... 23:28 

Anna thinks about her past and stares of to space for a couple of seconds 23:30 

Anna shakes her head and yawns 23:30 

Brendan notices her expression. "Hey, are you okay? You made that spaced-out expression Gracie's been making a lot lately..." 23:31 

Annaaaaaa: Oh Really?? How is she doing? I haven't seen her in a couple of days... (I think..) And yeah I'm fine... Just remembering about the past.. 23:34 

Brendan: She lost her memory actually, so kind of ironic you just mentioned your past... 23:35 

Annaaaaaa: Oh gosh! What happened? That is very ironic! haa 23:37 

Brendan: I don't really know. Uh, something happened with a peacekeeper. Gracie watched him die and the next day, she was covered in cuts and she had lost her memory... The last nine years of her life are basically gone from her mind. 23:40 

Annaaaaaa: Oh peacekeepers.... They have never been nice to us..... I really wonder how that happened! Its weird.. All of a sudden she losses her memory ... 23:42 

Brendan: I think it's just a number of things adding up. She's gone through a lot after all. 23:43 

Annaaaaaa: I feel bad. She has been through a lot.. She's a great person. I wish she hasn't gone through all that she has. When did you first meet her..? 23:45 

Brendan sighs. "Yeah... I wish she hadn't either... I met her at school, back in D7. Chris was playing with her and I got a little jealous, so I went over and played with her too." 23:47 

Annaaaaaa: Awww thats soo cute!!!!! 23:48 

Brendan grins. "Well, I'm still often jealous and always trying to get her attention. She doesn't always notice it, though." 23:49 

Annaaaaaa: Aw... BUT BUT.. YOUR SO CUTE AND NICE!!!!!!!!! *covers her mouth. She can't even believe she just said that!!!!!!! She really needs to think before she speaks. It may come in handy...* 23:52 

Brendan chuckles and rubs the back of his neck. "Really think so? Thanks, Anna. So are you." 23:54 

Annaaaaaa: Uhh yes... I can't believe I actually said that.... 23:55 

Annaaaaaa fangirls around the house 23:55 

Brendan smiles. "Well, I don't mind that you did..." 23:55 

Annaaaaaa: Oh and thank you.. And thats good.... OH MY GOSH I'M SORRY THAT WASZ LIKE AWKWARD. No that was like awkward times 10!!!! I think I just even made it more awkard by just saying that... 23:58 

Brendan laughs. "You're so funny." 0:00 

Anna: Oh really? Thank you! 0:01 

Anna rolls on the ground because she has nothing else to do 0:01 

Anna never thought she was funny either 0:03 

Brendan: You're welcome... Do you have a thing for the ground or something? I've noticed you love rolling in it a lot... 0:03 

Anna: Yes. We are in a serious relationship right now. 0:04 

Brendan laughs. "Oh? Fully committed or are you allowed to cheat every now and then? If so, I hear the rug upstairs is available." 0:07 

Annaaaaaa: Oh the rug!!!!??? Oh my gosh! I though he was taken!!! I guess I can cheat on him for a little bit... BUT IT WONT BE THE BAD CHEATING! 0:09 

Brendan laughs again. "The bad cheating?" 0:12 

Brendan remembers how he kind of wants Gracie to cheat and smirks. 0:13 

Annaaaaaa: Yeah!!!!! Like uhhh its not that bad!!!! Oh gosh how do I explain this... You know the good cheating is like... uh 0:14 

Annaaaaaa: The good one is that you actually want the person to cheat...? I guess?? Oh gosh. Yeah that's all I got 0:15

Brendan: Hello.  19:45

Anna: Oh Uhhh Hi! 19:46

Brendan hands Anna a small box with a bow on it and sits on the couch. 19:47


Brendan shrugs. "I had a pretty boring day, so there was not much else to do." 19:50

Annaaa: OH MY GOSH! 19:51

Annaaa unties the bow 19:52

Annaaa and slowly opens the box 19:52

Annaaa holds the ballerina holding the ice cream cone carefully 19:53

Annaaa: OH. 19:53

Annaaa: MY. 19:53

Annaaa: GOSH. 19:53

Annaaa: THAT IS SO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! 19:53

Annaaa: THANK YOU SO MUCH BRENDAN!!!!!!! 19:54


Brendan grins. "Thanks. Glad you like it. I tried to get her to look like you." 19:54

Annaaa: Oh my gosh I can't stop saying oh my gosh... 19:54

Brendan laughs. 19:55

Anna: This is perfect!!! Every detail and everything! 19:55

Brendan shrugs. "Well, I had a too adorable model. I wasn't too sure I could get it right." 19:56

Anna is freaking out in her brain again! 19:57

Anna: Thank you! *holds it carefully hoping that she wont break it* It's great! 19:58

Brendan: You're welcome, Anna. :D 20:02

Anna looks at it again and sprints upstairs setting it down on her dresser 20:37

Anna will need to find a place to put this... 20:37

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