A Short Chapter

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Gracie: ... I think i should get drunk tonight... 19:37 

Gracie runs off into the kitchen and makes hodka. 19:37 

Jo shakes her head 19:37 

Jo starts sketching 19:38 

Gracie comes back all giddy and eats a snickerdoodle cookie. "Want some cookies, Jo? I made a whole bunch!" 19:39 

Jo: No, but thanks 19:39 

Gracie: Okay. 19:41 

Gracie dips her cookie in hodka and eats it. 19:41 

Jo doodles over her notebook 19:41 

Gracie: So, Brendan and Derrick might kill Chris... 19:41 

Jo: Who? 19:42 

Gracie: Brendan and Derrick... They might kill Chris. Chris and Talia trapped Derrick and Andrea in the caves under the old mansion and Derrick got attacked by a mutt while he was there. His shoulder got bit. So now, Derrick kind of wants revenge and Brendan wants to help. 19:43 

Andrea comes into the living room with a handful of cookies 19:44 

Jo: Brendan? I think I met him. Does Derrick need his bite fixed? 19:44 

Andrea: I fixed it 19:44 

Gracie: Yeah, he should be okay. 19:44 

Andrea sits on the couch 19:44 

Jo: Kay 19:44 

Jo continues doodling absentmindedly 19:45 

Andrea noms on the cookies "Gracie these are sooo good" 19:45 

Gracie: Of course they are. I made them. 19:45 

Gracie isn't the least bit boastful about that at all. :D 19:47 

Andrea noms on the cookie 19:47 

Andrea: Do you know what the idiots are gunna do to Chris? 19:49 

Gracie shrugs. "They told me they still hadn't come up with an idea, but that when they do, it'll be 'unforgettable.'" 19:50 

Andrea rubs the back of her neck "Oh boy" 19:51 

Gracie takes a long gulp of her hodka. 19:53 

Gracie: Now you see why I'm actually drinking tonight, right? They're all stressing me out! 19:53 

Andrea: I would too, but I don't drink. 19:54 

Gracie: Good for you! Don't start and I'll keep making cookies for you. 19:57 

Andrea: Sounds good 19:58 

Gracie grins and hands Andrea another cookie from the bowl on the coffee table. 19:58 

Gracie might have to get into that stash of cookies she set aside just for Chase, but she promised herself she wouldn't... 19:59 

Andrea bites into the cookie Nov 29 

Zoe joined the chat 20:03 

Zoe runs to Gracie and sits in her lap. "I don't like Brendan!" 20:03 

Jo jumps when she hears someone new 20:03 

Andrea glances at Zoe 20:03 

Gracie: ... Hey, why not? 20:03 

Jo: Hey Zoe 20:03 

Zoe smiles and waves at Jo. 20:04 

Jo waves to Zoe 20:04 

Zoe glances at Gracie again. "I just don't! He said he'd do mean things to Chris!" 20:04 

Andrea: Like what? 20:04 

Jo starts doodling again 20:06 

Zoe: Like dump water or mice on him while he's asleep or slip hot sauce into his food. Why would Brendan what to do that to him? Chris is nice! 20:07 

Jo tosses her notebook on the coffee table and goes up to her room 20:08 

Andrea frowns "Chris played a mean joke on me and Derrick" 20:08 

Lilly joined the chat 20:09 

Jo left the chat 20:09 

Zoe: What'd he do? 20:09 

Lilly walks in to the living room as a little calico kitten 20:09 

Andrea: He and Talia locked us in a cave under the other mansion 20:10 

Zoe sees the kitten. "Hey, Sharryl!" 20:10 

Zoe looks back at Andrea again. "Why?" 20:10 

Lilly face paws and takes off 20:10 

Lilly hides under the couch 20:10 

Andrea: It's kinda a long story. 20:11 

Andrea doesn't think Zoe really needs to know about the fighting in the house 20:11 

Zoe: (You forget I'm from the Capitol and I've seen a lot of grown-up things. Even Ryn could tell you that.) 20:13 

Andrea: (i know lol) 20:13 

Lilly pokes her head out from under the couch 20:13 

Zoe climbs off Gracie's lap and sits on the floor near Lilly. "Tell me, Andrea." 20:14 

Gracie: You really don't wanna know, Zoe. 20:15 

Lilly bats at Zoe's hand and darts back under the couch 20:15 

Zoe: Sharryl, come out! Have you found Jo yet? 20:17 

Gracie palmfaces and shakes her head. "Her name isn't Sharryl..." 20:17 

Andrea pulls her feet up on the couch and hugs her knees 20:17 

Zoe: I know, but I like calling her that anyway! 20:17

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