it happens

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"You're such an idiot!" Heiji yelled on the other line.

"I know but what can I do? It happens so fast..."

"Dude but you make it more complicated... you're not using your smart brain again. Tsk!"

"I'm sorry..." Shinichi said with his sad voice.

"You ruin our original plan and now your saying that you are planning with Shiho..."


"Kudo hey speak up!"

"I dont know what to do anymore ok?!" Shinichi said.

"Ok tell me what did you see in her?" Heiji asked.

"if I tell you the same words I told Shiho you'll just laugh at me"

"Why? Is it too cheesy?"


Heiji laughs. He can't believed Shinichi is inlove with a British Girl and ended things with Ran.

'So he's planning to confessed to this Hailey girl and asking for Shiho's help? Poor Shiho if only Shinichi knew she likes him. No I think she loves him, he would really feel guilty on this cupid thing Shiho's doing for him.' He thought.

The original plan Heiji and Shinichi was planning is to visit this Hailey girl in London and take her to the most expensive restaurant and ask her to be his girlfriend, ofcourse no one will turn down Kudo Shinichi, he's a famous detective in Japan and he came from a good family. His mother is an Actress and His father is a famous writer, plus Shinichi is really good looking and very smart. He's good at soccer and lots of women admires him.

"I'll be there tomorrow." Heiji announced.


"To help you idiot!"

"Shiho and I can handle."

"I don't think so..."


'I can't believed how idiot my bestfriend is... people around them knows Shiho likes him, his mom, hakase, myself, kaito and others knows it! He's just hurting Shiho.' Heiji thoughts.

"Stupid." Heiji said.

Heiji ended the call.

'What's wrong with him?' Shinichi thoughts.

Shinichi went outside from his house and decided to go in Agasa's place. He got the spare keys Agasa gave him, he is very welcome to barged in whenever he likes. Agasa treated Shinichi like a son and he trust him enough. He went inside, There is no one in the living room.

'Maybe Shiho's sleeping?'

Shinichi go in the kitchen and make two black coffees. He got a tray and place them in the tray and went upstairs. He stopped when he is in the front door of Shiho's room.

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