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Shiho and Kaito are talking on the phone planning about her plan.

"So tonight you'll go here and fetch your Prince Charming and live happily ever afte-"

"Hey Kaito first of all... He's not my Prince Charming Second I am a Queen not a princess please Use the right terms."

Kaito laughs.

"Alright Queen so 2 hours drive and you'll be here... what time exactly are you coming?"

Shiho looks at her wall clock and it's 6pm already.

"I don't want to arrived at 8pm so maybe I'll be coming at 9pm"

"Wait are you sure?" He asked.

"Hey I have a harley remember? I can drive fast as I can..."

"No! Just take the bus please be safe Shiho!"

"Don't worry nothing will happen."

"Shiho please listen it's dark outside and you want to be here like 12 midnight?"

"I can take care of myself Kaito don't worry... I need to prepared myself first ok? I'm gonna end this call now"

Shiho hang up the phone.

'That Shiho!' Kaito thoughts.

Kaito dials a number and call...

"Hello Aunt Yukiko?" He said.

"What's the news?"

"Shiho got a plan and she's taking Shinichi with her..."


Hakuba and Heiji are already wasted now. They're hanging out with Shinichi in the living room while watching horror and mystery films. Shinichi didn't get wasted because he remembered Shiho, she don't like him Drinking. He stand up and leave his friends in the living room.

He walk upstairs and went to his room, he lay down in his bed and close his eyes.

"I missed you Shiho... I wish you're here with me, I want to hug you so bad, i wanna tell you how much I love you. I don't want to marry Rafaella, I only wanted to be with you but you're so selfish" he said.

"I'm going crazy!"

He sighed. He open his eyes again.

"I hate you but I love you."

Shinichi looks at the wall clock in his room and watching it hands reach for Midnight. He close his eyes again and his phone rings. He didn't answer it but his phone keeps ringing, he open his again and look in his phone, unfamiliar  number is calling he finally answer it.

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