Little Irene and Sherlock

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It's been three days since Shinichi and the boys bond together at the KTV bar. Shinichi is just lying down in his California King Bed while thinking about his Irene Adler a.k.a Shiho Miyano, he wasn't visiting her nor texting her. He don't know how to face her when he accidentally sent 'I LOVE YOU' message few days ago.

'Thanks to those idiots' his thoughts.

He meant it! But Shinichi knows it's not the right time to confessed and he don't actually want to confessed thru texting. He wants to tell her in person and held her hands while staring at those beautiful turquoise eyes. He isn't a romantic guy type but he don't care about what was in his mind it might be too cheesy and generic idea but he's head over heels in love with her and that's all that matter.

He gets his phone and text Hakuba.

YOU: I missed her.

Hakuba texted him back immediately.

HAKUBA: Kudo the Lover Boy please! it has been only three days passed ok? Let her be alone.

Shinichi looks disappointed.

YOU: but I don't know what's she thinking right now.
HAKUBA: do you want me to check on her? I can text her?
YOU: hmmm ok! But no FLIRTY text!!! send me screenshots of your conversation.
HAKUBA: hey don't act jealous Mr Sherlock Holmes, your Ms Irene Adler didn't know you love her yet.
YOU: but this week she will be.
HAKUBA: whatever you say.

Shinichi is waiting for almost an hour now, still no message from Hakuba, he keeps checking his phone hoping to get a message from his friend. Shinichi decided to go in Agasa's house. He can't wait any longer.

Shinichi is in the front door of Agasa's house. He is nervous, he knocks the door and after four knocks it open and he see the Professor.

"Oh hey there Shinichi kun!" The professor said happily.

"You're back Professor! How's the convention?" Shinichi asked.

"Same as always." The professor answered.

"Ohhh... great!"

"Do you wanna come inside and have a coffee?" Agasa offers.

Shinichi smiles at the Professor, they entered the house and He sitdown on the couch, the Professor went to his kitchen preparing coffees and cakes.

"Professor?" Shinichi calls not so loud but enough for Agasa to hear.

"What is it Shinichi kun?" Agasa said while in the kitchen.

"Is she here?" He asked.

"She's outside." The Professor answered.

"Did you know where did she go?" Shinichi asked him again.

"She just told me she's going outside but didn't mentioned where to." The Professor said.

Agasa is holding a tray with two coffees and cakes. He hand over the cake to Shinichi and then his coffee. Agasa sit down and place the tray in the centertable and sit down on the other couch and now facing Shinichi.

"I thought you're with Ai kun." Professor said.

"Wish I am.." he whispered.

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