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"Do you think you can solve this case as fast as you can?" Heiji asked.

"I hope so. I can't be late later, She will get mad." Shinichi said.

Shinichi is currently working on a case right now, he can't say no to Inspector Megure when he ask him to solve a case.

"Just help me with this case Hattori, I can't break my promise to her." He requested.

Heiji smiled and tap his shoulder.

"It's already 3pm you still have 2 hours for your date don't worry!" Heiji assured his friend.

They're walking around the crime scene to get information and other clues, Heiji noticed Shinichi looking at his watch.

'Poor Shinichi.' His thoughts.

Heiji walks towards him.

"Text her and tell her you're working on a case and if you're running late you don't have to worry." He smiled.

"Nah... I think I'm gonna solve this before 5 PM." Shinichi said.

"Let's get back to work now so we can finished this." Shinichi added.

Heiji smiled.

4:40 PM

"Shinichi thank you! Without you and Heiji we can't solve this difficult case!" Inspector Megure said.

"Happy to help." Shinichi smiled.

"Oh Shinichi I need you to come with me we have important meeting to attend to." Inspector said.

Shinichi looks at him.

"But Inspector I have important thing to do... can Heiji comes with you instead?" Shinichi suggested.

"But they requested for you Shinichi." Inspector Megure said.

"You don't need to go but it's really important..." Inspector Megure added.

Shinichi looks at Heiji.


Shiho is in the library sitting alone in the corner nearby a window. She's looking outside waiting for Shinichi. Today is the day she is going to answer his question and make it official. Shiho didn't expect things like this will happen... Shinichi courting her, treating her very special, giving her his previous time, making her heart so happy. She will become his Irene Adler and not his Watson anymore. She will be his Penguin and He will be her Penguin. They are soulmates. They belong together. She smiled while her memories with Shinichi are replaying in her mind, The moment when they meet each other for the first time, their first fight, how they become friends and understand each other, how she started admiring him and how she realized that she's inlove with him.
While waiting she put her earphones and play music. She close her eyes and smiled. Her mind are full of happy thoughts. She can see Shinichi's face turning Red when she told him she loves him and yes, she will become his girlfriend. Her heart is so happy and if it could explode, it will explode like confetti celebrating a very special moment. She can't wait for Him. She wanted to be with him and say the words he always wanted to get.

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