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1 week passed Shinichi keeps searching for Shiho. His parents went back to USA preparing for the wedding. They're planning without him but Shinichi is aware of that. He told them he's not going to marry anyone because he's too young and wanna focus on his career first, he lied ofcourse he didn't want to marry Rafaella Williams because she's not Shiho Miyano. Shinichi is in Professor's house, he's staying there with Heiji since Shiho left.

"Yo Kudo!"

Shinichi looks at Heiji. Heiji throw a bread to Shinichi and he catch it immediately.

"Eat or I won't help you." Said Heiji.

Shinichi takes a bite of his bread.

"Did you message her sister?" Heiji asked.

Shinichi looks at him.

"I can't contact her. Maybe she change her number." Said Shinichi.

Heiji satdown across him.

"What about Akai?" Heiji asked again.

"He's not answering." Shinichi frowned.

"The police are trying their best to locate her." Heiji said and smiled.

Shinichi stand up.

"Hey where are you going?" Heiji asked.

"In convenient store gotta buy something."

Shinichi walks out. Heiji was left behind.

While walking Shinichi is thinking about Her. He smile weakly. He missed her.

'Why is she hurting me?' his thoughts.

He put his hands on his pockets.

'That selfish yawny girl...'

Shinichi sighed.

'If I ever see her I won't let her go'

Time Skipped. Midnight...

Shinichi is in his Room lying down on his bed. He can't sleep. His phone rings and he see unknown number is calling him. He answered it.

"Hello. Who's this?" Shinichi asked.

There's no one talking on the other line.

"Hello who's this?" Shinichi repeated.

He waited for few minutes but the person who's calling him still not saying anything.

"Don't waste my time I'll hang up this ca-"

"Don't kudo kun..."

Shinichi's eyes got widen. He just heard the voice of the person he's looking for.

"Shiho where are you?" Shinichi stood up.

"Please tell me I will go whenever you are right now... Shiho I miss you."

"Kudo please listen to me first." She said.

"Go to your window and look outside." She ordered.

Shinichi did what she commanded. It was dark outside but he saw her figure  standing outside with her phone in her ear.


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