💀Fuck you💀

679 14 10

Midoriya Izuku
Quirk: All for one
Villain name: Deku

💀Deku POV💀

'Fuck Fuck Fuck the heros are on our tails. Shit think bitch think dammit'. I think to myself trying to figure out a way out of this situation. Eraserhead is on our tails and he's cancelling my quirk. Dabi and Toga are next to me. We hop a fence trying to get away. No such fucking luck with our asses. "Fuck Deku what do we do?!?" Dabi yells at me. " Does it look like fucking know. He is cancelling my quirk non-stop so I can't make a portal!!!" I tell back still running. " Well think of something Deku before we get caught!!" Toga yells. " Oh I'm sorry you guys are such dumbasses and can't make one for yourself!" I yell at them both. They shut up and we continue running till we are cornered in an Ally way. I look around hoping to find a ladder or something. Luckily I find one. " Guys look a ladder let's go before he gets here!" I yell out. " Too late for that." Eraserhead says wrapping his scarf around all three of us." Dammit let me you fucking hobo" I yell struggling. He just sighs and talks over some type of walkie. " I got them. Bring a cruiser." He says to what I assume are the police. He walks to us. I'm still struggling. I can't get out. " No no no no no let me go let me go. Take this off of me. Take it off!" I yell out starting to panic. Memories of Dad flood my brain. I can't breath. I hunch over. My hands are behind me. No no no. I can't move.

Toga look at Deku and know instantly what's happening.

"Eraserhead let him go now!" Toga and Dabi yells at the hero.
"Why should I?" He questions them

"Because he is having a panic attack!  Can't you fucking see that!" Toga yells  at the hero.
" Or are you to fucking blind to see!" Dabi yells.
Eraserhead releases from his scarf. I back into a wall.
"No no no no no" I say gripping my head.

"Izuku! Izuku!" Dabi and Toga yells to me. "Focus. You're not with him anymore ok." Dabi tells me. I look up at him and all I see is father in front of me and voices circle my head.

"No no no leave me alone. Get away from me!" I yell tears streaming down my face gripping my ears. " Shut up shut up shut up!" I yell putting my legs to my chest, putting my head on my knees still covering my ears." Shut up" he says sobbing. Dabi and Toga look at each other and nod. Not caring that Eraserhead is still there watching this all unfold. He feels bad for the kid. Something must of happened in the past to make him this way. He wants to help. But doesn't know how so the only way he can is let them handle it while he is quite.

After a few minutes I calm down enough to get my head screwed on right.

I look up at Toga and Dabi. They hug me as I breath shaky breaths. " Are you alright now Deku?" Dabi asked me. I responded with a yeah.

" Ok kid I'm going to put handcuffs on you. I don'twant  to cause another panic attack. Ok?" Eraserhead says to me. I just glare at the fact I'm being handcuffed in general.

" Can I come near you?" He asks me. I don't know what to say... No one's ever asked if they can come close other then the league. I just nod my head not being able to form words.

" Ok" he says as he puts the handcuffs on me. They are quirk nullification cuffs. Ugh those are the worst. But I've been quirkless before so it's nothing new. All for One did give me his quirk since he is dead. After the fight with that bastard All Might he was left in critical condition. We were left feeling empty for some time. I refused to use the quirk for the first 3 months after his death. Tomura took a hard hit when he died. He destroyed anything out of rage. Dabi the same way, Kurogiri was abnormally quiet, Toga locked herself in her room, me I took to bad habits that could have me locked up or in rehab. We all took an extremely hard hit. We finally decided to continue on. Now we are a a close family. 

I snap out of my thoughts; to Eraserhead standing me up. I flinch back at the way he grabbed my arm.

" What's wrong with you problem child" Eraserhead says to tired for anything right now.

"Fuck you" I spat at him. I actually like Eraserhead. He's an underground hero who doesn't work for fame. Not that I would tell him that.

We walk towards the cruiser that pulled up Toga and Dabi in handcuffs towing behind us.

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