💅Nail bitches💅

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The walk was quiet. It was a comfortable silence. Nobody minded.

Dabi pushing the cart with Toga and Uravity stuff. Katsuki pushing Deku and his stuff. Mostly Deku's but that's besides the point.

They make it to a nail shop. They sign in and wait for their turns.

They all grew impatient so they decided to make it go faster by scaring off the costumers. It worked.

They all laugh and go sit in chairs with scared nail artists.

" Hey guys after this are we all set to leave. It's getting late" says Deku. They Villain kids stare at each other and burst out laughing.

" Fuck sleep" they say in unison. Making the hero students laugh joining in.

Their nails are finally done after two hours.

(Uravity/ Ochaco/Uraraka)

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(Uravity/ Ochaco/Uraraka)

" Bitch check my nails" she say to Deku and Toga.

" You should see mines they are pretty~ the color of blood~" she says holding her hands up for the others to see.

" You should see mines they are pretty~ the color of blood~" she says holding her hands up for the others to see

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" I think they look hot on you~" says Uravity in a flirty purr. Toga blushes hard.

" Excuse me I'm still here" Deku says.

Katsuki looks at Deku's and and he instantly blushes.

' he's fucking hot' Katsuki thinks his face set a flame.

" Look at mines" says Deku holding up his hands.

" Look at mines" says Deku holding up his hands

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