💥 Bitches be funny💥

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They take the elevator up to their floor. Because who the fuck feels like walking up goddamn steps with a shit ton of bags.

Once they get up to their floor. They all head to their respective dorms. The new members heading off to pick their new dorms.

(Katsuki and Deku are neighbors.
Uravity and Toga are neighbors
Dabi and Tsu are neighbors
Denki and Kyoka( Jiro) are neighbors)

They all need to decorate their dorms. They all spend some hour decorating their dorms. Staying up at an unholy hour.

They all finish and head to their common room.

" Are you all done with your dorms?" Asks Uravity.

Receiving a chorus of yeahs and yeses in return.

" Hey we should give you nicknames. We all have one." Says Uravity.

" Mines is Deku" he says

" Ground Zero" Katsuki says after

" Toga" said blonde says

" Dabi" the flame user says.

" Uravity" Ochaco says.

" Those are cool as hell!" Says Denki.

" What's your quirk Denki?" Asks Deku.

" Electrifaction"Denki respond to the question.

" How about Black Out?" Deku says.

" Oooo I like it! Definitely!" He says loving his new nickname.

" How about froppy? For you." Deku says pointing to the frog like girl.

" Yeah that's cool *kero* " she says.

" Mina how about Alien?" Says Deku again. He loves giving people nicknames.

" Oooo I like it!" She says fawning over the name.

" Jiro how about Earphone?" Deku finishes.

" That was actually gonna be half of my hero name. So yeah" she said with her hands in her pocket.

" Great now we all have nicknames." Deku says.

" We should do dorm tours!" Says Mina or Alien out of the blue.

" Yeah that sounds like fun!" Says Uravity. Toga blushes at the cuteness.

" Ok let's go then~ we should start at Dabi's since he is the closest" Toga says. Everyone agrees and gets up leaving the common room. They walk to Dabi's room. Said male not caring if anyone goes in his room.

They make it to Dabi's room and he just opens the door.

They make it to Dabi's room and he just opens the door

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" Damn not bad stitch fix" Katsuki says. He likes the room but won't admit it.

" I like it" Denki says browsing the room.

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