😱Let's Talk😱

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They make it to Katsuki's dorm. Once inside they take out their headphones.

" I like your playlist. Who made the first song?" Questions Deku.

" Me,Shitty hair, Dunceface , soy sauce face and Raccoon eyes. It was out of boredom but we actually posted it on YouTube because we all liked it" Answers the Ash blonde.

" Now my turn. Who wrote Kerosene and Supernova? Who are they about?" Asks Katsuki.

" I guess it's time to tell you " Deku whispers.

" Tell me what?" He asks.

" The exact reasons why I left" he says quietly.

Katsuki looks shocked. He was very curious about what happened but he didn't think Deku would tell him just yet.

" Ok come over here" Katsuki says gesturing to his bed. He sits down on the end with head board. Deku sits at the end against the foot board.

( What the hell are those called??)

Deku sits down crossed legs. Katsuki sits the same way.

" Ok so what do you wanna know?" Asks Deku as he doesn't know where to start.

" Why did they find your parents bodies in the apartment?" He asks first.

Deku has a flashback. Tearing up but wiping them away.

" Dad killed mom with his quirk. I was so mad and sad I killed him. And..." Deku says trailing off.

" And what Deku?" Katsuki asks softly.

" I liked it. I liked killing him. I soon found out that I like killing. I knew what I did was wrong so I ran." Deku said.

Katsuki is listening intently.

" Why did he kill Aunty?" Katsuki asks remembering when they brought out the bodies. He was so heartbroken about Inko. He loved her like a second mom. He didn't like Hisashi enough to cry over him. He was kind of glad. Hisashi always seemed suspicious to Katsuki. Like he was hiding something.

Deku starts to shed tears.

" He killed her because she was protecting me. After she was killed and I killed him. I had nothing. No family, no friends, I was quirkless. So I knew no one would foster or adopt me out of love. I didn't want to live. I didn't want to live before all that happened but I knew mom would miss me if I was gone" Deku says crying more. Yet he continues.

" The night I ran away. I called you from the top of a building." Deku says wiping his tears only for more to come.

Katsuki mind gears are turning. Then he comes to the realization.

His first love tried to kill himself.

" Deku" Katsuki says lowly. Deku looks up crying more.

All of a sudden he's pulled into a hug. He hugs back crying his eyes out.

" Deku what else did he do to you?" Katsuki asks softly.

Deku remembers everything down to the detail. He can never forget it.

" He mentally, emotionally, physically and sexually abused me. While he was emotionally and physically abusing mom" Deku says crying into Katsuki's shoulder. Straddling him.

" Kacchan it's so hard to forget when that's all I want" Deku sobs harder.

" Deku I wish I could take away your pain. But I can't it's hard to forget something that haunts you. I know that personally. But those scars show you survived through the pain.  Our scars show that you got through it. Yes there's after affects but you survived right?" Katsuki says to Deku.

Deku nods into Katsuki's shoulder.

" Deku I...I love you and I don't want you to hurt by yourself." Katsuki says into Deku's ear.

Deku sits up quickly. Katsuki loves him.

' he...he loves me! He loves me back!' Deku thought excitedly.

" Deku it's ok if you don't feel the sa-" he was cut off my a soft pair of lips on his. After a second of shock he melted into the kiss.

He's surprised Deku initiated. Deku doesn't seem like the first move type.

After 20 seconds they both separate for air.

" Stupid air" Katsuki grumbles causing Deku to giggle at the hot heads words.

" What does this make us Kacchan?" Deku questions.

" Well if you want. It would make you my boyfriend...so Izuku do you want go be my boyfriend?" Katsuki questions the shorter greenette.

" Fuck yes. I've been waiting since middle school for you to hear those words from you!" Deku says crying out of joy.

" Woah! Woah why are you crying?!" Katsuki asks not ready for that.

" It's ok...I'm just happy... I'm not used to it" Deku says sadly.

( Same my child same)

" Well we need to make that happen more often." Katsuki says to the greenette still straddling him.

All of a sudden there's a knock on the door. Katsuki groans at whoever just interrupted their moment.

He walks to the door and open it revealing Jirou.

" Dinners ready" is all she says then walks away.

Deku heard what she said.

" Ok let's go eat" Deku says walking out the room. Katsuki gets an idea and smirks.

He grabs Deku's wrist. Making said boy wince slightly. Going unnoticed by the Ash blonde.

He spins Deku around to face him.

" Kacchan what are you-" he's cut off by a pair of lips in his. He wastes no time melting into the kiss.

" That's all now you may leave for dinner." Katsuki says like he won an award. Deku rolls his eyes but giggles at his boyfriends antics.

' boyfriend... I will never get tired if saying that's Deku thinks smiling to himself while walking away.

This was the start of a love so deep it can't be broke.

Not by fights
Not by people
Not by death

And surely not by their pasts.

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