😌let's fuck some shit up😌

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They make it the mall. Deku is still asleep till Toga and Dabi notice.

They smirk to each other. Standing up and walking to where Katsuki and Deku sat.

Katsuki looks at the two other teens questionably.

All of a sudden Deku is pushed off the seat and onto the floor. He jolts the moment he feels he's falling. Too late though as he lands on the floor.

Toga and Dabi laugh hysterically.

" What the fuck you dick riding bitches!?" Yells Deku.

They laugh more.

" I'm not into dick but he is" Toga days pointing to Dabi.

" Fuck yeah" says Dabi.

Deku starts to laugh. He looks at Katsuki's expression and laughs more.

Katsuki looks shocked that they can openly admit they like the same gender.

" I'm as straight as a cooked soba noodle" says Deku. Toga and Dabi bust out laughing more.

They are all on the floor laughing like insane asylum patients. Aizawa is turned around his seat looking at the students. With the ' Fuck my life ' look.

He just sighs and turns around.

" Alright problem children get the fuck out. " Says Aizawa already done with their shit.

Everyone gets out the van and walks into the mall. Aizawa stops the group of 5.

" Ok ground rules" Aizawa starts. The villains have no fucks go give. So they aren't listening and he knows the but ignores it.

" Ok rule 1. Don't fuck shit up. Rule 2. If you fuck shit up I'm not responsible. Rule 3. You can get anything you want besides weapons." Aizawa says to the hero students.

" Do I make myself clear" Aizawa says activating his quirk. The hero students nod quickly.

" I will be in the van sleeping. " Aizawa says walking off.

Once he's gone the Three villain kids and two hero students look at each other.

Uraraka looks confused as to why they look like that.

Before they says

" Let's fuck some shit up" they all say in unison.

" Um guys I don't think we should do that. Aizawa said not do cause trouble" Uraraka says being the  innocent one.

They all look at like they don't give a fuck.

" Ok let's split into a two groups. Airhead, Dabi and Toga are group one" says Deku.

Uraraka seems unfazed by the insult.

" Me and Kacchan are group two"  Deku finishes. With that they spilt into their groups and buy stuff.

With Toga and Dabi's group

" What should we do first?" Questions Uraraka innocently. Toga blushes.

Dabi smirks at this.

" Well we could go to the piercing shop I need a couple new earrings for my ear piercings" says Dabi.

" Ok cool!" Says Ochaco.

" Can I ask you something?"  Says Ochaco to Toga.

Toga blushes. " Sure~" she says her normal way.

Ochaco blushes.

" You think I would look good with a tongue piercing?" She questions.

Toga sputters and looks at the innocent girl beside her.

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