🥺After school 🥺

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Deku is nervous. The way Katsuki made it sound when he asked him to come over after school sounded strange... He didn't like it.

Soon the end of the day came. Deku was packing up his stuff. By stuff he means nothing. He's a villain they don't trust him with pencils.

He see's Katsuki walk out to presumably his dorm. Deku walks out a minute after.

He puts his headphones and listens to music. Hard boy by Frawley came on. It reminds him of how he and Katsuki are. Katsuki pretending to be a hard boy till Deku left.

Deku's thoughts start to swirl with that.

' I highly doubt he missed me. I mean he said it but I don't believe it. No one came looking for me when I left.' with that thought his poker face turns into a frown.

Unknowingly he sings the song.

Sometimes I think I want a bad boy
Wake up like, woop, not a good choice
I should've taken my mom's advice
(One second, my mom's texting me)

He thinks of his mother. Tearing up. Unknowing of the person listening behind him

One girlfriend left you with a heart sore

The person behind him is confused at this lyric. Deku remembers when Katsuki got turned down by a girl in elementary school. He started acting after that. That's when the bullying towards Deku turned physical.

Look at you, suddenly you're so hardcore
Oh, does that make you feel big inside?
Got a heart tattoo on your chest
But there's nothing inside
Thought I told you
Too cool for love typically ain't my type

Deku thinks and anyone would think Katsuki isn't Deku's type. Oh how wrong they are.

'Cause you think you're such a hard boy, baby

He thinks about what Katsuki's friends used to do to him. He didn't care what Katsuki did. He knew it wasn't the reason he was acting like that. The real reason he has yet to know.

And that's just the fix I'm into lately

Deku's mind wonders about what he loved so much about Katsuki. The answer he instantly gets.
' Everything' he thinks smiling slightly to himself. Still unknowing of the person behind him.

But I know I won't feel this way come tomorrow
So let's see how hard, how hard you actually are
When I leave
Who hurt you and made you so guarded?
Deku thinks about that question.
' Who hurt Katsuki so badly? I will kill them!?' he thinks angrily.

Katsuki can hear the music as he isn't far behind Deku. He knows the exact answer to the question. He just has to tell Deku. But that's hard for him. He doesn't want to remember  T H A T.

Throwing dishes on the floor of my apartment
Took a pic just to show it off to your friends
How come you're only calling at five in the morning

He see's a flashback of when Katsuki called at 2am asking to come over for the night. Deku being sweet said of course. When Katsuki came through his window. He looked... Beat up. A black eye and he was limping with scratches and bruises every where.

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