💪McDonald's parking lot 💪

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After everyone calmed down and sat back down in their seats. Deku asks Aizawa if they can pull into the McDonald's drive through. He of course says yes and pulls into the drive through; Deku whips out his notebook handing it to Aizawa.

Aizawa reads off the entire list of orders adding his own order to the big order as well. Obviously he gets 3 black coffees like the coffee addict he is. They all cackle hearing his order and he looks at them with an eye roll before continuing to read off the order.

"Ok is everything on the screen right?" The lady on the microphone asks. Aizawa looks at the screen before replying yes to the lady.

"Ok and your total will be (insert total in yen here) and will that be all for you today?" She asks as you hear her typing through the mic. Aizawa reply's yes pulling out a UA credit card from his wallet.

"Ok you can pull into the next window!" The lady on the other end of the mic says. They pull up to the next window. Aizawa hands the boy working the next window the card waiting for him to give the card and receipt to him. Once that's done the boy tells Aizawa that they'll get their food and drinks at the next window. Aizawa just nods pulling up to the next window.

The girl at the last window hands them their first tray of drinks which Aizawa passes to Bakugou who's the closest to him. Bakugou hands off the first drink tray to Toga who's next to him and Toga passes it off to the person next to her and so fourth. Aizawa starts grabbing everything one by one handing it off to Bakugou and hands it off to the others. Once they get everything they order everyone is holding something and they check the bags to make sure everything is there; which it is.

Aizawa thanks the girl and pulls off into the McDonald's parking lot so they can eat in the van.
They eat in sound quietness, music playing lowly on the radio.

"Hey ground zerooooo" Mina says with a glint of mischief in her eyes. Bakugou turns around to the person calling his name; before he knows it fries were being thrown at him by Mina. She laughing at the shocked look on Katsuki's face who still seems to be processing what was thrown at him.

He lunges at her from his seat only to realize he has his seat belt on holding him down to the seat. He lets out a prominent huff of air before unbuckling his seat belt quickly. He grabs a handful of fries and throws them at Mina from the front seat. She grabs some and throws more back at him laughing loudly while Aizawa just rubs his eyes wondering how he got such delinquents. Heathens if you will.

Deku smiles a mischievous smile looking at Toga with said smile, she smiles one of her own planning smiles before picking up some nuggets and throwing them at Dabi. Deku grabs a handful of nuggets and throws them at Denki and Mina.

"Oh this is war!" Denki says grabbing a handful of fries and throwing them at Deku who uses telekinesis to throw a nugget directly in the center of his forehead. Dabi is flabbergasted at having literal fucking McDonald's nuggets thrown at him. He picks up some of his own and throws them at Jirou, Shinso, and Uraraka.

Soon an all out chicken nugget and fries war starts, Aizawa just watched the scene exasperated with the thought of having to clean it all up. After 20 minutes the throwing of food ceases fire with students hollering in amusement. Aizawa smiles internally happy that they can be the kids they are for just a few minutes.

"Eat the rest of your food and clean up this van or we aren't leaving till it's clean." Aizawa says in a parental tone. Everyone raises their hands in the air in mock surrender.

"Yes sir captain sir" Deku says laughing a bit before he starts picking up the food on the floor and putting it in a bag that only has trash in it. They take the time to clean up the van and after a good couple minutes 𝑎𝑙𝑚𝑜𝑠𝑡 everything is cleaned up. The van reeking of fast food.

"Let's go to the mall!" Toga screams in pure excitement. Deku covered his ear as she was sitting right next to her as she said that.
'My eardrum...' he thinks in his head rubbing his poor fragile ear. Toga is too excited to notice what she did.

Uraraka blushes at the adorable sight of Toga being excited to go to the mall again. She smiles at Toga who smiles back with unaltered excitement shining pure on her features. Uravity takes the time to study Himikos features once she directs her attention away from her. She smiles with fondness in eyes. Deku watches Uraraka smirking at her before looking at Katsuki who is already looking at him with the same look.

They had caught Uraraka lacking and will be using this as blackmail to get her to bake them an iced lemon cake in the near future. Deku takes a picture with quick ease before sending it to Katsuki in messages before closing his phone.

"Now now children stop eye fucking each other in the van please and thank you" Aizawa says causing 6 teens to begin blushing harshly at his incredibly unexpected words. *ᴄᴏᴜɢʜ ᴄᴏᴜɢʜ ʜɪᴛᴏᴋᴀᴍɪ, ᴏᴄʜᴀᴛᴏɢᴀ, ʙᴀᴋᴜᴅᴇᴋᴜ ᴄᴏᴜɢʜ ᴄᴏᴜɢʜ*

Mina looks at Jirou with that look in her eyes that look that says "we are so clowning them with this later" type of look. Jirou nods her head knowing exactly what the look on Minas face says. The two whip out their phones with ease taking a quick picture of the scene in front of them. Meanwhile Dabi is just in the back seat vibing, eating chicken nuggets that managed to not get thrown into cross fire. He just watches the scene unfold with no particular looks on his face. He's just here for the vibes honestly.

Deku clears his throat getting over the blushing mess him and some of his groupies were. He tries to make the hotness on his face disperse itself but it's not doing so as quickly as he wishes. Bakugou just looks out the window covering his face with the palm of his hand. Himiko remains unbothered as blushing is normal for her.
Uravity continues to blush as she's staring at Himiko and she just can't help but blush at the beautiful blonde. Shinso hides his face in the hoodie he chose to wear, Denki also hides his face in his hoodie. Trying to hide the inflamed redness in his cheeks. Aizawa is glad they all finally shut up and pulls out the parking lot of McDonald's. The students finally being quiet he can finally hear the music playing on the radio.
He turns it up a bit turning on to an open road heading towards the mall.

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