😘They got a death wish😘

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Deku puts his gloved hand on the wall curious as to what's being talked about. Listening closely he hears class 1-B talking together.

He makes a hand motion signaling the others to come listen as well. Them following the motion now standing behind Deku.

"I'm glad that Shinso fucker isn't coming back. His quirk is too damn villainous to be trusted" Some Unknown class B students says to another; sounds of agreement following shortly after.

"I wonder what happened to him after we sent him to the villains dorm? Haven't seen him since; I honestly don't care as long as he isn't here" some mushroom looking girl says.

Uravity and Togas faces sour at hearing that; Deku and Katsuki looking at each other in anger at the class. Izuku uses Telepathy to speak to the others so they don't get caught eavesdropping.

'What the actual fuck is wrong with these assholes. He did nothing fucking wrong' Mina says through the link feeling the connection that was made.

'Yeah like he was just existing not bothering anyone!' Jirou says eyes emphasizing her telepathic words.
She hears words of agreement through the connection; Deku has yet to say anything causing Bakugou to look over at him again before asking.

'What are you planning cause whatever it is I'm in' he says already knowing the face Deku is making is when he has a plan.

'Good to know you can help me with it then' Deku says to Katsuki through the link before listening back in on the class B trash.

"Why the hell was he here to begin with? He can't even defend himself properly" A guy who looks like a walking shadow says to mushroom girl.

'You got fucking nerve you built like duct tape ass bitch' Mina says through the link gritting her teeth. 'Honestly like the audacity of these class A rejects is comical at this point.' Katsuki says telepathically not taking his eyes off the conversation going on in front of them.

Shinso has been awfully quiet concerning Denki causing said male to direct his attention to the boy who's hair defies gravity.

'Hey if it makes you feel better they are the rejects of class 1-A and they are just mad because of it. You hang with us now and we will be better friends then whatever the hell these people are' he says to Shinso in the link causing said male to smile a bit; Denki flashes a grin in response causing Shinso to blush a little.

Denki doesn't notice the minor red tint that is now adorning Shinso's face; he turns around and looks at the talking students, a frown making it's way onto the electric males face once again.

Shinso takes a breath and just walks out into the view of class 1B needing to grab his things from his dorm. Everyone gasps including the villains but no one heard since the whole room gasped in shock and fear of being caught.

"I heard everything; I'm just here to grab my belongings" Shinso says ignoring the gasps. Monama laughs at Shinso before the class joins in. Now 1b is laughing while the villains are sitting around the corner clenching their fists itching for a fight.

Deku has had enough and walks around the corner in the lower classes view; Kendo's face is the first to drop at the sight of the known villain. Monama continues laughing while the rest of the classes faces is overtaken by the face of terror.

Deku is smiling calmly; unsettling Kendo while the others around the corner watch. "Aww what's the dwarf sized Villain gonna do? Run!" He says laughing hysterically. Deku says nothing just raises his hand making Monama float in the air.

The blonde males laughing begins to cease as he is now confused as to what the villain is doing. "What the fuc-" He says before he could finish he suddenly feels as though his air is being ripped straight from his lungs.

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