✨gotta say it✨

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( that's what Deku is Wearing. Katsuki Is wearing black ripped jeans, black shirt and an orange flannel, with his normal boots he wears during the sports festival)

As they are walking they see the trio consisting of Dabi, Toga and Uraraka.

Deku waves at his non blood related siblings. They wave back. Well Toga does. Dabi flicks them off. Normal to them. Katsuki does the same thing back. As I said normal.

They walk to the trio.

" Did y'all fuck some shit up?" Asks Deku knowingly.

Dabi smirks.

" we got free piercings and jewelry" Dabi says with an insane smirk.

Deku and Toga giggle at his antics.
Katsuki smirks and fist bumps with Dabi.

" Well where are y'all two crazy love birds going~" asks Toga in a teasing tone of voice. Deku and Katsuki flush at the comment.

" We aren't together you asshole!" Says Deku flustered beyond belief.

" What he said" says Katsuki completely and utterly flustered.

The trio burst out laughing at the duo's flustered state. Ochaco blushes at Toga crazy but cute laugh.

' why am I into psycho's?' she asks herself all the time. The same answer she always gets.

' because the crazier the better's she says in her head. She smiles to herself.

" Ok where are y'all going seriously" asks Dabi calming down.

" We are going to the other piercing and Tattoo shop because I felt like y'all asses did something with the other shop." Deku says.

" He did he said y'all probably did something to the other shop" Katsuki says proving a point.

" We kinda figured that out. We have this weird as sixth sense. That activates when we are doing something stupid." Says Toga.

" Yup" says Dabi and Deku in unison.

Katsuki chuckles at this.

" So are we going to the shop or gonna stand here just talking our asses off?" Questions Katsuki getting impatient.

" Calm ya tits Kacchan" says Deku rolling his emerald and ruby eye.

Katsuki is just realizing that one of his eyes is red like Katsuki's own eyes. But instead of them being a ruby like red it was blood red.

They talk for a couple more minutes till Deku decides it's finally time to go.

" Ok bye guys. Fuck up more shit while I'm gone~" Deku says in an insane giggle. Katsuki can't help but blush.

They head to the shop. It's called ' Lotus flower piercing and Tattoo'.

( Made that name up. Might be real though who knows. That's my little business name actually)

They walk into a black, dark pink, purple and blue shop. Painted in lotus flowers.

" This shop is pretty" Deku says with stars in his eyes.

' cute ' thought Katsuki with a small blush on face.

' I fell hard for this hot nerd' he thinks to himself.

' I'm glad he's back with me' he thinks again smiling before masking it.

" Hi! Are you here for Piercing or Tattoo work? Or both?" Questions a lady with a Medusa piercing. ( Top lip)

The two males look at each other and say.

" Both" they say in unison.

" Ok right this way" she says leading them to the back.

How We Got Here // V!Deku x Bakugou\\Where stories live. Discover now