Chapter 19

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I get up the next morning and get ready and go to class. It was a normal day really.

Couple of days later

Tonight there was a huge party. Right now I was getting ready. I was just after getting out of the shower and was blow drying my hair.

1 hour later

I got a text from Kayla saying she was ready and coming over. I sat on the sofa while I waited for her. Soon I heard the familiar door bell. When I opened it Kayla was standing outside with a bottle of unopened wine.

"Ready", she smiles.

"Yeah", I nod my head.

We get in the lift and walk out of the building.

"Where is the party anyway?" I ask as we walked down the dark road that was on campus. The only light was an occasional street lamp.

"In the boys building", she replies. Finally we reach there. The boys building was on the other side of campus.

We make our way in there and get in the lift. Kayla pushes the button that says 8.

"Where is Nadia and Charlotte?" I ask only remembering now.

"Eh I think they're coming in a hour", Kayla smiles fixing her lip gloss in the mirror in the lift.

The doors open and I can hear the music already. We walk down to the door where the music was coming from.

We walk in and the place is black with people. The is those colourful lights shining over them, people dancing. There's a Dj in the corner. It looks really good.

We start dancing when I feel someone wrap their hands around my waist and pick me up.

"Let go", I say. I turn around to see Nick.

"Nick let me down", I say sternly.

"Fine babe", he giggles. We walk over to an empty corner and started talking which lead to kissing. That happened all the time.

Couple of months later

I was really nervous because today and had my exams for my first year in college. I anxiously took my seat. We sat in alphabetical order so Nadia Charlotte and I were all really close because we are all Parker. But Kayla was so far away.

A person put about fifty pages on my desk turned upside down.

"Your time starts now you have 3 hours to complete the exam", somebody said.

I open the first page.

"I know this", I say to myself. I complete the paper with fifteen minutes to spare so I check over them.

"You page Miss Parker", I hand up my paper and sigh with relief.

I got up out of my desk and walked out of the exam hall with my friends.

It was now the summer holidays and I was now going home to my parents.

I pull up in my drive. Noelle was sitting on the bench with her friends. She ran up and hugged me.

"Hey Noelle", I say returning a hug. Just then a car pulled up behind mine. I look in to see Aidan. I wave and Noelle runs down to give Aidan a hug. Noelle is now fourteen going on fifteen. Aidan is twenty going on twenty one. And I'm eighteen going on nineteen.

My parents open the front door and help us bring in our bags.

"How about we go out for lunch", my Mom suggests. I nod my head.

"I'm just going to take a shower", I say before running upstairs.

When I get out of the shower. I wrap a big purple towel around my body and walk into my room. I blow dry my hair, put on a nice summer dress, curl my hair and do my make up.

We all get in the car and drive to the restaurant.

"A table for five", my Dad says to the waiter.

"Right this way". We are lead to a table beside the aquarium. I read the menu and order. While I wait for my food, I look at the fish in the tank. There's a couple swimming happily around one fish. It's like they're fan girling over him. I suddenly think of Ed.

I take out my phone to text him. I scroll through my contacts when I remember this is my new phone.

A plate gets put in front of me.

"Thanks", I smile and start eating my dinner.

We go home after dinner. I run up to my room and rummage through my desk for my phone. I finally found it under a pile of stuff under my bed.

"How did it get here?" I think out loud.

"The dogs must have been playing with it", Noelle says as she passes my room. I groan thinking it's gonna be broken. I turn it on and I'm right it is.

Next day

I arrived at the mall and walked over to the phone shop.

"Hi could you fix this?" I ask handing in my old phone.

"Yeah sure what happened it?" He asks.

"My dogs found if and used it as a chew toy", The man pulls a painful face.

"I'll see but I mightn't be able to do anything because the salvia could have gone inside and broken it completely", he replied.

"Could you try your best because I really need something on it", I say. He nods his head and walk out of the shop. I decide to go shopping for a bit.

I go back to the phone shop at five.

"Is my phone ready?" I ask.

"Name please".

"Paige Parker".

"Yes it's right here", the woman says taking my phone out from a locker in a plastic bag. She takes the phone out of the bag and hands it to me.

"Thank you! How much?"

"Twenty dollars". I hand in the money.

Beep beep

I look at my phone and there 200 texts. Who could they be from?

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