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We eventually make it back to the camp, and to Jackson and Tessa's place. I wish I could say the hike back was a pleasant one, It was anything but, I could feel Tessa's eyes in the back of my head the whole time. When we get back to the house I sigh and turn to Logan, "we have to find her, there is no way this Abigail Westbrook doesn't know about these new hybrids."

"Why do you say that?" Logan looks over to me as he starts up the laptop he had brought with him.

"Two new hybrids just happen to pop up right before and right after this woman shows up and you think that's just a coincidence."

"Yeah, you got a point," Logan nods, "good news is, we already have an IADG satellite in position, and I can use it to track the hybrid's flight path. If she's involved, we'll find her." Logan types away a bit, "how's your Spanish."

"Malditamente casi perfecto." (Damn near perfect.)

"What?" Logan looks over to Jackson.

Jackson shrugs, "I think that means she's good. But why would it fly to Mexico?"

I walk up behind Logan, "you can pull up past imagery right?"

"Of course." Logan looks back to me as if to say 'dah.'

I walk as he does, "focus right there." I point to one of the positions on the map, "keep going back." Logan keeps moving back until I notice something changes, "right there, stop. Can you push in on that?" Logan does and I chuckle, "That's Abigail."

Jackson shakes his head, "In the last decade, all we have seen is razorback hybrids. Now two new species pop up in the span of 48 hours? I think Kat is right, I think something's happening and Abigail is at the center of it."

Logan nods, "I'm gonna prep the chopper."

"I'll get Tessa."

Logan leaves, but before Jackson does I stop him, "Jackson..." He stops and turns back to me, "we both know what Abigail's capable of. If Tessa's gonna risk her life with us, she deserves to know everything."

"I know."

I nod, "i'll go help Logan so you two can talk alone."


I head out and find Logan waiting for me outside the door, "I figured you'd tell him that."

"What do you mean?" I look over to Logan as we start to walk.

"You would make sure that Jackson told the truth. About who he is and what happened." Logan shrugs, "Jackson is a good man, but you've always made him better."

I shake my head, "that's not my place anymore."

"It'll always be your place. You may not be together anymore, but you are meant to be with Jackson, even if it's just as friends. You two just... work. You know, when you and Jackson got divorced, it shock my relationship with Jamie. We were already going through a pretty rough time, and I remember Jamie told me, 'how are we supposed to make it if they can't'."

"I'm sorry, Logan."

"Don't be." Logan shakes his head, "she was right. If you and Jackson can't make it through a pretty normal thing, even after everything else we went through as a group, how was anyone else supposed to make it through anything at all?"

"You make it sound like Jackson and I were made for each other."

"That's something that everyone can see, except for you and Jackson." Logan chuckles, "you two are made for each other." Soon after Logan and I get to the helicopter, Jackson walks up, alone, "where's Tessa?"

Jackson shakes his head and wipes his mouth, "she's uh... she's not coming."

I take a deep breath, "Jackson, I'm sorry."

"No, it's alright, you were right, I should have been honest with her. But I was crazy to think I could have a normal life while I was living a lie."

"Doesn't mean I wanted to be right."

"I know." Jackson nods, "I know."

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