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After I leave Jackson, I head off to find Jamie. As I walk through the plane I hear Jackson's over the intercom, "Hey guys, we're touching down in Michigan in ten."

When I find Jamie she is upstairs playing with her butterfly knife. I chuckle as I see her spinning it in her hand, "you still have that thing?"

Jamie looks back to me over her shoulder, "yeah," she then stabs the table. "You gave it to me, so why would I get rid of it?"

"I'm just surprised it's still usable. It's what, seven years old?"

"Something like that."

I nod and look around, "I'm guessing you're a little stressed?"

"What makes you say that?"

"You only mess with that thing when you're stressed. It's like your own personal fidget thing."

"Yeah, well, not all family reunions are pleasant."

I nod, "yeah, I'm sorry about Jackson."

"Yeah, what was that about?" Clementine walks in from the hallway.

"It's a long story."

"Longer than the reason you and Jackson are divorced?"

"They kind of go hand in hand actually."

"Then go ahead, we got time."

"Okay," Jamie nods, "five years ago Jackson went into hiding."

Clementine shakes her head, "that's not that big."

"Well, he didn't go because he wanted to." I shake my head.

Jamie nods, "when I published my book, I gave everyone pseudonyms to protect them."

"And it worked... for everyone but Jackson."

"It didn't matter if my book said he was innocent, he's the son of Robert Oz, and the Shepherd hunters wanted blood."

Clementine nods, slowly, "okay. That's sort of big. But don't you work for the Shepherd hunters?"

"I work with them, when it serves me." Jamie corrects, before her phone goes off and she looks it over.

"Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, everything's fine."

"Alright, so Jackson went into hiding because of your book," Clem looks from Jamie to me, "I still don't see what that has to do with you and Jackson getting a divorce."

I sigh, "well, Jackson blamed Jamie, obviously, which caused a lot of strain on us, and with all the stress we were already under, both as a couple and individually, Jamie's book was the straw that broke the camel's back. When Jackson was forced to go into hiding," I shake my head, "we just couldn't make it that far apart, we couldn't heal the way we needed to."

"Do you think it's a good idea for you two to be working together? I mean, doesn't it bring up painful memories."

"It does," I nod, "but it brings back a lot of good ones." I chuckle.

Jamie smirks, "do tell."

I laugh softly, "alright, uh... when Jackson and I first met, he took me on a date to track down a pride of lions."

"Did you guys find them?"

"Yeah, we did. After about five hours of either waiting in the truck or driving around. It took forever, but I don't think I've ever had so much fun on a date and I never wanted it to end."

Clementine smiles up to me, "you know, I don't think I've ever heard the story about how you and Jackson met."

"Oh, I haven't heard this story in forever," Jamie smiles over to me.

"Are you two sure you wanna hear it?" I look between the two of them.

"Yes," they answer in unison.

"Alright, uh, Jackson was a safari guide for my family when we took a three month trip down to Botswana. Uh... we talked for a bit on the tour and he recommended a bar in town, so my sister and best friend decided that we should go. And guess who just so happened to be there."

"Jackson," Clem chuckles.

"Ever so smooth. And after we talked at the bar, we walked outside for some air, I think." I shake my head, "I don't even remember what we talked about, I just remember swimming in his eyes and the sparks when he touched my arm," I pause for a minute and shake my head, thinking about the first night Jackson and I spent at the bar. "And he leaned in to kiss me... but one of the girls came out looking for us." I hadn't realized it but while I was talking about our first night together, I had placed my thumb on my lip.

"Oh, my God," Jamie gasps, "he kissed you, didn't he? Recently?!"

"No, what?" I shake my head, snapping back from my trance like state. "Don't be crazy."

"He did!" Jamie laughs, "Logan isn't insane, there is still some sexual tension."

"Hey, you don't need to bring up sexual tension. Have you been in a room with you and Mitch lately."

Clem nods, "yeah, she's right."

"But I'm right, right?" Jamie looks up to me, "he kissed you."

I take a deep breath and look around, before looking down to the ground, "I mean, yeah.."

"Oh, my God! I knew you two weren't over. I mean, you two are one of the world's great love stories, like Romeo and Juliet."

"Hey, hey." I try to claim Jamie and Clem down, "it means nothing." I shake my head, "it was just... a kiss."

"There was more than one wasn't there?" Jamie smiles wildly, as I sigh, "there was!"

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