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Once we touch down, we head to the back of the plane, opening the cargo bay door, watching as Abe and Dariela pull up. Jackson almost runs toward them as they get out of the truck, "Dariela!"

"Jackson!" Dariela smiles as the two share a hug.

"Abe," Jackson releases Dariela and hugs Abe.

"Ha, ha, Rafiki," Abe laughs as he hugs his much missed best friend.

Since Dariela left the door open Pizza jumps out of the car, I chuckle and kneel as he runs up to me, "hi boy, how are you?"

Jackson walks up to me, "who is this?" He kneels next to me and pets Pizza.


"Pizza?" Jackson looks a bit puzzled, "I didn't know you got a dog."

"Uh, that's because I didn't. Pizza is Isaac's dog."

Abe and I laugh, as he and Dariela bring some of their things up the ramp, "it's been too long."

"Yeah." Jackson nods, as the two of us stand, "How's Isaac?"

Abe shakes his head, unable to really say anything, since they don't know where Isaac is. I take a deep breath, "that hybrid sample we needed." I shake my head, "we weren't able to track down another."

"It's okay," Abe nods, "and the Isaac situation is being handled."

"Abe, if Isaac needs any help," Jackson looks between Abe and I, "you know we will do whatever it takes."

"It's complicated. I'll fill you in later, I promise. Just stay with me on this one."

Dariela and I look between the boys, and then smile at each other, before Dariela picks up her bag, "we'll let you two catch up."

I chuckle and turn, "come on, Pizza."

I stop in the doorway and listen to the boys talk for a moment. Abe sighs, as he starts, "you being on this side of the barrier is dangerous."

"Yeah, but I had to."

"Why would you leave the protection you had? You had a life there. You were seeing someone. Tessa, right?"

"Was, yeah. Not anymore, I, uh... I told her everything and her reaction was... less than desirable."

"I'm sorry, Rafiki. Did it have anything to do with Kat going out there?"

"Uh, no, at least, I don't think so."

"Are you sure about that? There is a glow to her I haven't seen since before your divocre."

"Yeah... She looks... absolutely amazing, doesn't she?"

"She always does, which is why I never understood why she settled for you."

"Oh, are we going there already?" Jackson laughs.

"Do you think there is still something there?"

Before I can hear Jackson's response, I hear Dariela, "Kat, come on."

I jog off in her direction, "coming, sorry."

"What, you get lost in Jackson's eyes, like old times?"

I hear Clem chuckle from above us, "more like his lips."

"Clementine," I scold.

Dariela looks over to me, in a mixture of shock and excitement, "you kissed him?!"

"I did not kiss him."

"He kissed her?!" Dariela looks up to Clem, still shocked.

"I know!" Clem laughs.

"Could you two act more like teenagers?" I look between the two of them.

"You say that like we stopped." Clem smiles. I cross my arms and take a deep breath, "come on, Kat, you can't blame us for being excited. I mean, you and Jackson are.."

"Yeah, yeah, we're made for each other. I know."

"Who's made for who?" Mitch comes into the lab from the kitchen area.

Dariela smiles over to Mitch, "There he is. Our very own Mr. Spock. Like in part two when he dies, and then part three..."

"Yeah, I get the reference," Mitch nods as the two hug. The two soon separate and Mitch sighs, "You know, when I found out that you let Max raise my kid, I almost went back into the grave..."

As Mitch complains about matters that were out of our control, Abe and Jackson had come in. Abe walks past Dariela and I, careful not to bump us, "I can't..." he laughs, "even a pack of wild razorbacks couldn't keep you down. What did you do, fight them off with your bare hands?"

"No, but I like that version better."

As we all laugh, Logan walks in behind Mitch, "Dr. Kenyatta."

Abe looks over to Logan, a bit tense, "Detective."


"Hi guys," we turn and see Jamie, which causes a bit more tension in the room, "it's great to see you."

"Jamie," Abe clears his throat.

Clem, in an attempt to distract everyone, "uh, I'm sorry I kind of ditched you guys the other day."

"Ditched? That would be one way of putting it."

"I couldn't risk your lives. You have a son. I saw the news about Reiden taking the kids. Is Isaac?"

"He's safe, he's with his Aunt Isabel in the Upper Peninsula."


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