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Present 2020

In hospital

What happened doctor everything alright ? Asked Arjun

Yes some injured heal in few days they are now unconscious they get conscious on tomorrow . you can meet them tomorrow said doctor

Thanks said the brothers

Until they got conscious  we have to stay here .  said Aajay

Arjun agree with his brother  .

Time Skip  in the morning

One of them got consious and slowly open her eyes and she saw she is on a room but it is totally unlike to them .
She got terrified than she saw a girl come inside the room in weird kind of dress .

Mam are you alright do you fill pain asked nurse

The girl didn't understanding anything

What are you said  asked the girl .⚡

You take rest doctor is coming said the nurse

Than the doctor come and check her but the girl got afried but the doctor work made her understand he is a physician .

Doctor asked her some question in which is quit similar so she understand something not fully . and asked about her sister

In meanwhile other girl got conscious and doctor saw her also

Doctor coming outside of the room

I think they got shock after their accident . so are behaves differently they should have to get proper care and atmosphere . and all the reported are fine you can meet them and doctor told tham their talk between them . and said they will get discharge in evening .

Aajay and Arjun got shocked and went inside to meet them  as they shift in one room  as the sisters want to with each other .

Aajay : Hi

girls getting confused one said hi I am princess  sunanjana  from veergarh and she is my elder sister princess priyanjana  .  Are you two princes in this kingdom  but your dress are weird .(in traditional hindi )

Listening them two brother got confirmed that they got shocked or lost their memory now how they get there address .

So Arjun asked what happened with you two 

Sunanjana :our kingdom got attack and we are  lossing and our father got killed so we were escaping in hut but some men found us and they throw us from hut than we cannot remember

Arjun and Aajay in mind  they really got shock and speaking nonsense but we cannot leave them alone its danger for tham and two brother look each other
and nod eachother .

In evening they got discharge and taking them to their house as per decession
The two sister got ready as their princess get up but doctor nurse and others didn't say anything as they considered their mental health
The two girl look at the road and building vehicles widely but did not say anything
as their time women's are not allowed question or talk very much so they keep quit .

In sometimes they reach their home but two people see it an astonished eyes .

They get them the guest room and they took it quietly .

They went for ordering dinner as today they are no mood for made dinner .


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